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User Guide

Sarathkrishnan Ramesh edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 2 revisions


Head over to the Installation and Setup page to finish ign-rviz setup. You can launch ign-rviz by running the following command

# Source ROS2
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash  # If using bash
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.zsh   # If using zsh

# Source the workspace
source install/setup.bash        # If using bash
source install/setup.zsh         # If using zsh

# Launch ign-rviz
ros2 launch ign_rviz


Adding a new display

Plugins can be loaded in the following ways:

  • By Display Type: To load a plugin by display type, open the drawer by clicking on the hamburger icon on the top left of the application and then select a particular display type.
  • By Topic: To load a display plugin by topic, click on the   Add By Topic   option available in the drawer menu. This opens up a new window with the list of all the supported display types. Click on a particular topic to load the visualization plugin to display data received on that topic.

The global options plugin is used to change the fixed frame.

Display properties

After loading a plugin you can find the config panel for the plugin in the right split. These config settings allow you to change the visualization for the data received through ROS2 topics. Display plugins can be collapsed/expanded, undocked to move around the config panel. Users can change plugins settings like background color for better visibility.

Fixed Frame

The fixed frame is the reference frame with respect to which all the visualizations are displayed. The fixed frame can be changed using the Global Options plugin as shown in the image above.

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