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Experiments for the GeneMark-ETP project

This repository contains documentation of experiments, data and results for the GeneMark-ETP project. The code of GeneMark-ETP itself lives at


GeneMark-ETP: Automatic Gene Finding in Eukaryotic Genomes in Consistence with Extrinsic Data
Tomas Bruna, Alexandre Lomsadze, Mark Borodovsky
publication in preparation 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Input data preparation

Genome sequences

All genome sequences were downloaded from RefSeq section of NCBI (the links are saved in $SPECIES/data/ For each genome we parsed out unique sequence identifiers accession.version from FASTA definition lines. New, simplified sequence IDs were introduced. Information about original and new IDs was saved as a table into file $SPECIES/data/chr.names.

An example of such table for the genome of A.thaliana is shown below:

original ID new ID
NC_003070.9 1
NC_003071.7 2
NC_003074.8 3
NC_003075.7 4
NC_003076.8 5

Only genome sequences from nuclear DNA were used in ETP project. Also, we limited the analysis to chromosomes (sequences with prefix "NC_") and main genomic contigs (sequences with prefix "NT_"). The processed sequences were saved into $SPECIES/data/genome.fasta.

Repeat masking

Each genome was de novo masked by RepeatModeler2 (v2.0.1) and RepeatMasker (v4.1.0) as follows:

BuildDatabase -name genome genome.fasta
RepeatModeler -database genome -srand 1 -pa 16 -LTRStruct > rmodeler.out
RepeatMasker -pa 16 -lib genome-families.fa -xsmall genome.fasta > rmasker.out

Protein database preparation

Input protein sets were downloaded from OrthoDB (v10.1) and processed as described for each species in $SPECIES/data/

Reference annotations

To prepare the reference annotations, follow the species-specific instructions in each species folder.

All annotation statistics were collected with the bin/ scipt.

ls */annot/annot.gtf | xargs -P7 -I {} bash -c 'bin/ {} > {}.analysis'
ls */annot/reliable.gtf | xargs -P7 -I {} bash -c 'bin/ {} > {}.analysis'

Reproducing gene predictions


For each species $SPECIES GeneMark-ETP was executed with the following command, utilizing the .yaml config files

$ETP_FOLDER/bin/ --cfg $CONFIG.yaml --workdir . --verbose --softmask


All evaluations of GeneMark-ES/ET/EP+ were done with gmes suite version 4.69.

GeneMark-ES was run as follows:

cd $SPECIES/other/es
$GMES_FOLDER/ --ES --mask_penalty 0 --seq ../../data/genome.fasta.masked

GeneMark-ET was run with the command below. The file hintsfile_merged.gff is generated over the course of a GeneMark-ETP run.

cd $SPECIES/other/et
$GMES_FOLDER/ --ET ../../rnaseq/hints/hintsfile_merged.gff --mask_penalty 0 --seq ../../data/genome.fasta.masked

GeneMark-EP+ was run as follows:

cd $SPECIES/other/ep_$PROTEIN_DB
$GMES_FOLDER/ --EP --dbep ../../data/$PROTEIN_DB --mask_penalty 0 --seq ../../data/genome.fasta.masked


All evaluations were done with BRAKER v2.1.6 and TSEBRA v1.0.3.

BRAKER1 was run with the command below. The file hintsfile_merged.gff is generated over the course of a GeneMark-ETP run.

cd $SPECIES/other/braker1
$BRAKER_FOLDER/scripts/ --softmasking --genome ../../data/genome.fasta.masked --hints ../../data/hintsfile_merged.gff

BRAKER2 was run as follows:

cd $SPECIES/other/braker2/$PROTEIN_DB
$BRAKER_FOLDER/scripts/ --softmasking --genome ../../../data/genome.fasta.masked --prot_seq ../../../data/$PROTEIN_DB

TSEBRA was run as:

cd $SPECIES/other/tsebra/$PROTEIN_DB
$TSEBRA_FOLDER/bin/ -c $TSEBRA_FOLDER/config/default.cfg -e ../../braker1/braker/hintsfile.gff,../../braker2/$PROTEIN_DB/braker/hintsfile.gff -g ../../braker1/braker/augustus.hints.gtf,../../braker2/$PROTEIN_DB/braker/augustus.hints.gtf -o tsebra.gtf


The bin folder contains scripts for generating all tables and figures presented in the paper.

First, the following script computes the accuracy of all gene prediction results (including intermediate results) made for the genome of a species $SPECIES.


Then, the scripts in bin/accFigures and bin/predictionAnalysis can be used to collect the accuracy results and generate any of the figures and tables. See the documentation of each script for details. For example, the following command generates all the main accuracy figures (which are also saved in this repository in $SPECIES/acc_figures):


Repeat masking experiments

The following commands generate the figure showing the prediction accuracy with respect to the masking penalty value.

cd $SPECIES/$etp_prediction_folder
cd maskingExperiments/penaltyPredictions/
# Adjust ymin and ymax as needed
../../../../bin/repeatExperiments/ gene.acc gene.acc.pdf --ymin 60 --ymax 85 --selected $penalty_value_predicted_by_ETP
../../../../bin/repeatExperiments/ cds.acc cds.acc.pdf --ymin 60 --ymax 85 --selected $penalty_value_predicted_by_ETP

Run the "gc" versions of these scripts for GC-heterogeneous genomes (M. musculus and G. gallus).

To make the figure showing the masking training behavior, run the estimate masking script in the scan mode and visualize the results as follows:

cd $SPECIES/$etp_prediction_folder/scan
../../../../bin/ --GMES_PATH $path_to_gmes --scan $predicted_hc_genes ../../../data/genome.softmasked.fasta $etp_model --threads 64 --startingStep 0.01 --minStep 0.01
../../../../bin/repeatExperiments/ out scanGraph.png

The results of these repeat experiments are saved in the $SPECIES/$etp_prediction_folder folders.


Experiments for the GeneMark-ETP project






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