scratch3-internet project is aim to enable plenty of internet interactions for scratch 3 users. scratch3-internet project also come up a easy-to-use extention setup/deploy structure, so extension developer can fork the project and start their extension development immediately.
git clone --depth 1
npm run setup
npm run start
currently provides
- JSON parse blocks - JSON blocks are general purpose blocks that provides JSON fetch and parse functions.
- LASS parse blocks - LASS blocks can fetch data from
- IFTTT webhook block - IFTTT webhook block can use IFTTT to connect with plenty of web services
- ThingSpeak block - ThingSpeak block can use ThingSpeak to save data
Currently provide block translations for
- English (en)
- Traditional Chinsese (zh-tw)
Translation files are locate nearby the blocks definition file in the /vm/extensions/
To host the scratch 3 web in your github page
npm run build
npm run deploy
The project is also used for (repo