Security Advisor CLI
The current supported commands are listed below.
ibmcloud sa - Interact with IBM Cloud Security Advisor.
ibmcloud sa command [arguments...] [command options]
create-channel Create a new notification channel using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
create-note Create a new note using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Findings API.
delete-channel Delete a specific notification channel using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
delete-channels Delete multiple notification channels (bulk) using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
delete-note Delete a note using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Findings API.
get-channel Return the details of a specified notification channel using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
get-channels Return the list of all notification channels using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
get-graph Get notes and occurrences using GraphQL queries.
get-key Returns public key using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
get-note Return the details of a specified note using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Findings API.
get-notes Return a list of all notes using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Findings API.
get-providers Returns the list of all providers using IBM Cloud Findings API.
test-channel Test a specific notification channel using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
update-channel Update the details of specific notification channel using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Notifications API.
update-note Updates the details of a specified note using IBM Cloud Security Advisor Findings API.
help, h Show help
Enter 'ibmcloud sa help [command]' for more information about a command.
- Clone the code
To build run the following
go build
The above command will build the binaries.
To install the built plugin locally run the following.
ibmcloud plugin uninstall security-advisor
ibmcloud plugin install ibmcloud_sa_cli
The above assumes you are running on Mac, if you aren't check out the directory for the correct plugin filename pbcopy <~/.ssh/