A simple helper to build loopback models in ES7 but that no collides with remote methods.
Install with Yarn
yarn add debug-helper
or install with NPM
npm i debug-helper
ES6 imports.
import ModelBuilder from "loopback-build-model-helper"
or NodeJS traditional require
const ModelBuilder = require("loopback-build-model-helper").default
configure it
then use it
module.exports = function (_AppConstant) {
let builder = new BuildHelper(AppConstant, _AppConstant)
let hasChanges = true
let constants = null
.then(function () {
_AppConstant.observe("persist", function (ctx, next) {
hasChanges = true
_AppConstant.observe("after delete", function (ctx, next) {
hasChanges = true
AppConstant.load = async function () {
if (!hasChanges) return
constants = await _AppConstant.find({})
constants = _.keyBy(constants, "name")
hasChanges = false
AppConstant.getPublic = async function () {
return await _AppConstant.find({where: {isPublic: true}})
builder.remoteMethod("getPublic", {
http: {
verb: "get"
accepts: [],
returns: {root: true, type: "array"}
* @param {String} name
AppConstant.findConstant = async function (name) {
await AppConstant.load()
return constants[name].value
function AppConstant() {
Overwrite built-in methods can be do it in the same way that you define new methods. To avoid some stupid issues, if you want to overwrite a built-in method, your function will receive a last argument old that which is in fact the overwritten function.
//overwriting the create method.
MyModel.create = async function (data, options, old) {
//do something with data or other models.
let newMy = await old.call(this, data, options)
// do something more
return newMy