Provide a plugin system which allows embedding urls either with the use of oscaroteros embed/embed library or by implementing customized rendering strategies.
Using the yaem embed service, one can request a render array for any url.
The service will go through the registered plugins and checks if they want to render the url, if multiple plugins want to render it, then the one with the heighest weight will be selected.
This allows for easy overrides. General plugins should have lower weights than specific ones (eg.: Facebook should have a lower weight than Facebook Video).
Every plugin can either define it's own implementation or use the embed library to fetch additional data for the url or use the embed code from the page.
If no applicable plugin is found the generic renderer will return the embed code from the page.
For fields of type link
the field formatter Yaem embed
can be selected, which
will try to render the given url with the appropiate plugin.
Inject the service into your Controller, Service, etc.
or directly
$embedService = \Drupal::get(\Drupal\yaem\Yaem::YAEM_EMBED_SERVICE)
Get the drupal render array for the url: