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Kafka streams visualization

This small application allows you to simply create a graph image from a Kafka Streams Ascii topology.

It was heavily inspired by

I wanted to have something more clean that the rough images of zz85/kafka-streams-viz and I also wanted to have a standalone application as not everyone is using Quarkus

This app is deployed using github pages:

How to use

Simply use Toplogy.describe() from Kafka Streams to get the Topology in Ascii format and put the output in the form

Topology myTopology = new StreamsBuilder()
  // yourTopologyHere()
System.out.println(myTopology.describe()); // put this output in the form


  • Render to SVG
  • Render to Canvas (to allow copy/paste of the image)
  • Topology stored in the URL (for easy exchange)
  • Download images

Under the hood