Some Kind of Artificial Intelligence
Useful reminders :
- In class attributes ,
- numerical values begin with "n" (nLayers) or "f" (fSize)
- vectors begin with "v" (vNeurons)
- strings begin with "s" (sActivationFunction)
- matrices begin with "m" (mWeightMatrix)
Code structure :
The framework is based on objects :
Data structure objects : SKNeuron, SKLayer
SKNeuron : Processes data as f(Input), with f = Sigmoid, Linear reLU.....
SKLayer : Vector of SKNeurons. Stores inputs and outputs to perform backpropagation.
SKWeights : Weight matrices.
Procedure objects : SKModel, SKPropagator
- SKModel : Contains the structure + the methods to perform the training
- SKPropagator : Feeds and propagates data between layers
- ROOT. Any installation is valid, tested with standalone build and also with FairSoft build.
- GLOG. Google Logging Library. For MAC users : brew install glog. Linux : apt install libgoogle-glog-dev
- CMAKE . Tested with version 3.16 and 3.13. Any recent version should work.