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gabrielelanaro edited this page Jun 11, 2011 · 12 revisions

Emacs for python development

This package is a collection of emacs extensions to boost the productivity using the python programming language, to use it, download it and

(load-file "/path/to/emacs-for-python/epy-init.el")

in your .emacs file.
Hopefully I will provide a better packaging way (fixing names, cleaning, archiving…)

Here are summarized the pages of this wiki:

- Workflow: The first introduction about main features and common usage of emacs-for-python;
- Virtualenv: Description of the virtualenv.el extension;
- Snippets: List of the (ya)snippets included in emacs-for-python;
- Editing Facilities: Speed up code editing with these neat tricks;
- Workflow-TDD: Explanation and workflow focusing on Test Driven Development technique;
- Rope Refactorings: Practical description and usages of the ropemacs refactorings;
- Tips: General tips and tricks not covered in main topics;
- Troubleshooting : common problems and solutions.

External Links

- Jozef Ševčík blog post about emacs-for-python

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