Emacs lisp package for customizing the default command used by M-x grep
and M-x compile
based on major mode or a filename regexp.
Also replaces %s and %l with path and line number in the command.
Download it from the UNIX shell:
$ wget https://raw.github.com/gabrielmdeal/clever-cmd/master/clever-cmd.el
Then add this to your Emacs init file:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "YOUR-LISP-DIRECTORY"))
(require 'clever-cmd)
(advice-add 'compile :around #'clever-cmd-compile-wrapper)
(advice-add 'grep :around #'clever-cmd-grep-wrapper)
Then in your Emacs init file configure it to do something special for your special files:
;; Run bundle exec rspec when in a file whose name looks like a Ruby rspec:
(defun example-rspec-command()
(format "cd %s && bundle exec rspec --format documentation %%s:%%l" (or (vc-root-dir) ".")))
(add-to-list 'clever-cmd-compile-file-name-regexp-alist '("/specs/\\|_spec.rb$" . example-rspec-command))
;; Run an NPM test script when the major mode is js-mode:
(add-to-list 'clever-cmd-compile-major-mode-alist '(js-mode . "npm run test"))
See clever-cmd-example-config.el for
more examples. Or wget
the example config and require
it in your config.
Use M-x compile
or M-x grep
just like normal.