Useful commands for working with kubernetes
go get
curl > $HOME/.kuve.yaml
$ kuve --help
A collection of useful commands for working with kubernetes
kuve [command]
Available Commands:
events Get and filter events based off type from current context
exec Execs into the first running pod and container
help Help about any command
images Returns a list of images deployed into namespace
logs Get logs from pods and containers in a given namespace
podnode View which node a given pod in a given namespace is running on (gcp clusters only)
pods Returns pods given settings in .kuve.conf
secrets Base64 decode and view secrets from a given namespace
version A brief description of your command
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kuve.yaml)
-h, --help help for kuve
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
$ kuve exec --help
Execs into the first running pod and container of a namespace
kuve exec [namespace] [flags]
-c, --container string container to exec into
-h, --help help for exec
-l, --selector string selector (label query) to filter on
-s, --shell string shell to exec with (default "/bin/sh")
$ kuve exec helloworld --shell=/bin/bash