Generate and explain machine learning models to predict severity in COVID-19. This repository contains two .csv files and six notebooks:
In the original file tests, there are some cases when the same test have similar but divergent label. This cases were resolved with the help of an expert. These notebooks contains all the codes used to correct this issue.
Contains all codes used do preprocessing data from Hospitals Beneficência Portuguesa and Sírio Líbanes. Data available at
Contains all codes used to generate machine learning predictive results for five hospitals. Data used contain routine attendance parameters collected up to four days after initial attendance.
Contains all codes used to generate summary plots using SHAP library.
Contains the data resulted from preprocessing described in the notebooks. hosp1 refers to Hospital Sirio Libanês and hosp2 refers to Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa.
If you use these datasets in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:
@inproceedings{Valeriano2022, doi = {10.1109/ccgrid54584.2022.00115}, url = {}, year = {2022}, month = may, publisher = {{IEEE}}, author = {Maria Gabriela Valeriano and Carlos R. V. Kiffer and Giane Higino and Paloma Zanao and Dulce A. Barbosa and Patricia A. Moreira and Paulo Caleb J. L. Santos and Renato Grinbaum and Ana Carolina Lorena}, title = {Let the data speak: analysing data from multiple health centers of the S{~{a}}o Paulo metropolitan area for {COVID}-19 clinical deterioration prediction}, booktitle = {2022 22nd {IEEE} International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing ({CCGrid})} }