We use Vagrant to kick this whole thing off. So, get going by downloading Vagrant to the host build machine (Win, Mac, or Lin).
First, you'll need to install Vargrant on your host box.
Now we'll need to install git so we can clone this repos.
# Clone the Fast FreeSWITCH code.
git clone https://github.com/gabegundy/fast-freeswitch.git
Let's bring the box up. This might take a minute or two depending on your bandwidth and hardware. The first time will take a little longer than the following times.
# And now we simply let vagrant create our box and bring it up.
vagrant up
Once the box is up and running, it should then start installing FreeSWITCH for us.
# When the box has been installed we can get access via ssh.
# (No need for passwords, Vagrant installs the keys we'll need.)
vagrant ssh
Congratulations! You've now connected to a fresh install of Debian Jesse and a freshly installed FreeSWITCH.
If the box gets updated by the folks at HashiCorp, we'll want to update our copy too.
# This only needs done once and a while.
vagrant box update
Wrap up your vagrant box when no longer needed (log out of the guest before running these commands on the host system):
# Shutdown, but leave the box around for more building at a later time:
vagrant halt
# Trash the box and remove all the related storage devices.
vagrant destroy