An ES6 to ES5 transpiler optionally convert AMD module to YUI3 style using the Facebook's jstransform module.
The following program:
define('yui-module-test', [ 'yui', 'node' ], function (Y, node) {
console.log('#node').setHTML([3, 1, 2].sort((a, b) => { return b - a; })));
gets transformed into:
YUI.add('yui-module-test', function (Y) {
console.log('#node').setHTML([3, 1, 2].sort(function(a, b) { return b - a; })));
}, '1.0.0', { requires: [ 'node' ] });
Run es6y --help
to get started.
shell$ es6y --yui3 -- input.js
# creates compiled/input.js
shell$ es6y --yui3 <input.js
# outputs the converted file on standard output
shell$ es6y --outdir=/tmp/js --yui3 -- file1.js file2.js
# creates /tmp/js/file1.js, /tmp/js/file2.js with the converted output