This project contains a bunch of handy shell scripts for building, working with maven, git, doing releases and so forth.
- gitcip does a git commit with a message then pushes the change
- gitci as above without the push
- mvnci does a "mvn clean install" build
- mvnnt as above without running any unit tests
- releaseprepare does a "mvn release:prepare" setting the release-altGitURL property to the local git file system & release profile
- releaseperform does a "mvn release:perform" setting the release-altGitURL property to the local git file system & release profile
- check-offline-repository validates the contents of an offline repository by trying to build everything using only the artifacts provided
- fscc starts a fsc process; handy for use in IDEA with FSC mode enabled
There is a sample ~/.m2/settings.xml in the etc directory.