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🌅 Skribble corporate vebsite


Deploy: Netlify Status

Table of Contents

How to Use


Install the latest

Use yarn to lock and install dependency versions instead of npm install.

# install dependencies via yarn
$ yarn

If you are using windows, you will have to install node-gyp's windows build tools

# in a cmd or powershell terminal with administrator rights, run:
 yarn global add windows-build-tools

Configure a remote for a fork

  • open the Terminal
  • list the remote for your fork
$ git remote -v
  • specify a new remote upstream
$ git remote add upstream
  • verify the new upstream
$ git remote -v

Syncing the fork


  • open the Terminal
  • change to your local project
  • fetch the branches from upstream
$ git fetch upstream
  • check out your fork's local master branch
$ git checkout master
  • merge changes from usptream/master into master
$ git merge upstream/master


Use yarn start to develop locally.

Use yarn build to build locally.

Using GitHub Desktop

Download the GitHub desktop app to easily track changes in the repository: Before working on the content files, make sure to checkout the current version of master. Follow the steps below:

  • fetch origin
  • create a new branch and prefix with your name. I (David) create a branch david-instructions.
  • open the repository in your external editor
  • update the content in the editor. You can switch back to the GitHub desktop app and track the changes you made.
  • when done with all the changes, write a short meaningful summary and commit
  • publish/push the branch

After publishing, your changes appear on the cove GitHub page of BlockSigner: A yellow bar on top allows you to start a pull request. An open pull request triggers a build on Netlify that generates a preview.

The changes are online after merging into master. Master is automatically built and deployed.

Update my.skribble status banner

To show the status message in WAVE, edit the file in the COVE repository. An example text can be found here:

Once the system is back to normal, empty the status.txt file to hide the status message or revert your commit.

Heads-up: Don't put any HTML in status.txt

SEO Optimization (single H1 per page)

Heads-up: Due to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) concerns we should only use one Header1 per page.

Even though we should only use one Header1 per page, there are some pages where we want to have multiple texts which have the same size and style as a Header1. In this cases, use a Header2. It looks just like a Header1 but doesn't mess up SEO.

#     This is a Header1
##    This is a Header2 (it looks just like a Header1 but doesn't mess up SEO)
###   This is a Header3
####  This is a Header4
##### This is a Header5

Frontend components

Frontend components can be inserted as needed in the markdown files that make up the pages of the website. You cannot add components in the Front Matter. The Front Matter defines page specific meta content. We use it for the meta title and description of the page and for defining open graph images. The Front Matter area is indicated by 3 opening and 3 closing hyphens ( --- ).

The basics

The start and end of a component are wrapped with double curly braces and either < ... > or % ... %. Whenever you want your content within the component to be interpreted as markdown, use the % delimiter. Within the delimiter, you define the name of the component. The name is followed by optional parameters - some components have parameters and others don't. It's best to check some examples.

Let's have a look at the button component. It is added to your content by writing {{< button >}}. That already creates an empty button. To insert a label and a link, add the 2 parameters after the component name as follows: {{< button "Button label" "" >}}. You can optionally add the 3rd parameter to navigate the user to a new tab after clicking the button:

{{< button "Button label" "" "_blank" >}}

This adds the HTML parameter target="_blank" to the generated HTML.

Other components can contain more complex content. These components wrap their content, so they have a closing tag that indicates the end of the component. A good example is the markdown component that arranges content to be interpreted as markdown.

{{% markdown %}}
# Signatures can be purchased individually or at a flat rate.
Skribbles' pricing adapts to your needs and can be flexibly configured.
{{% /markdown %}}

See how we used the % delimiter here? It interprets the content of the content component as markdown. The closing tag of our markdown component has a leading / before the name to indicate the end of the component.

Menu component

The main, header and footer menus are defined in the file site/config.yaml.

The top level structure of the file is divided by language.

baseurl: /
title: Skribble

Inside each language you can define the content of your menus - currently main, header and footer.

If you want to create submenus (or dropdown menus):

  • In the parent item define an attribute identifier
  • In the children item define an attribute parent with the same value
    languageName: English
    flagCode: GB
    weight: 1
    contentDir: content/english

        # Platform dropdown parent
        - name: Platform
          url: "#"
          weight: 10
          identifier: platform

        # Platform dropdown children
        - name: Features
          url: "/features/"
          weight: 10
          parent: platform
        - name: Integration
          url: "/integration/"
          weight: 15
          parent: platform

Layout components

Skribble Cove uses layout components to structure or layout a web page. There are 2 main layout components: side-by-side and content.

{{< side-by-side >}}

This component is a basic building block for Cove. It aligns a picture and a content component next to each other.

{{< side-by-side [global spacing] img=[image name] img-width=[width] img-position[right] img-alt=[image alt text] >}}
{{< /side-by-side >}}

{{< content >}}

The other basic building block content building direction is top to down. Its contents are completely free to choose. To horizontally group components within the content you can use the row component.

{{< row >}}

Draws its contents laterally outwards from the center. Its content is horizontally centered, vertically stretched, and never wrapped. Example content: plan component.

Markdown wrapper components

{{% markdown %}}

Content inside of the markdown module is interpreted as markdown. Use it to write text, titles, links, and lists in the main flow of the page.

Atomic components

Components that are rather simple and used in various places throughout the website.

{{% center %}}

Centers the content placed inside of it.

{{< button >}}

The button accepts 4 parameters.

{{< button
  "Try it now"


  1. label
  2. link
  3. target attribute (optional): _blank_
  4. style (optional): outline

Note: if you want to use outline and not blank, use a 3rd parameter but leave it empty: ""

{{< ol >}}

Use the strong tag to indicate the title of an ordered list item that has a title and a text.

1. **Wähle den Dokument-Typ:**
Der eigenhändigen Unterschrift gleichgestellte qualifizierte elektronische Signatur
2. **Lade dein Dokument hoch**
3. **Klicke auf Prüfen**

{{< picture >}}

The picture component accepts 2 mandatory parameters. The first one is the first part of the image filename. The second parameter is the natural width of the image. Images have to named with following a specific scheme to be correctly referenced by the picture component. Let's have a look at the following example:

{{< picture image8 414 >}}

The picture component above looks for 4 images. 2 webp images in the regular (and displayed) resolution and the retina resolution. 2 jpg images (regular and retina) that are used as a fallback for browsers that don't support the webp format.


The - and the w in the filename are added by the component. You have to add the part before the hyphen as the first parameter and the width between the hyphen and the w as the second parameter.


  • name The filename before suffix (the suffix being a hyphen, the width, and a w)
  • w Natural width of the image
  • alt Adds an alt text to the image
  • href Adds a link around the image
  • target Sets the target attribute

Custom components

{{% action-card %}}

Creates a large call to action card with several descriptive and interactive elements.

A picture can be inserted inside the shortcode in the regular picture format shortcode.


  • title
  • class a CSS class to be applied to the component
  • description
  • button-text
  • button-link
  • subtext
  • has-comparison (optional) set to true in case you want to have an internal comparison panel.

If has-comparison is set to true, you have the following additional options:

  • comparison-title (optional) title of the comparison panel
  • comparison-caption (optional) caption of the comparison panel

The comparison panel can either be a full width single panel:

  • comparison-single (optional) content of the full width comparison panel

Or alternatively, two side-by-side panels (top-and-bottom in mobile)

  • comparison-first (optional) content of the first element
  • comparison-second (optional) content of the second element

Full example:

{{% action-card
  description="<p>Skribble for your organisation. User administration is centralised and your organisation is invoiced monthly.</p>"
  comparison-title="Choose the right plan for each signer:"
  comparison-first="<p><strong>Pay-Per-Use</strong></p><p>For employees who sign <strong>less</strong> than 12 times a month and for people external to the company.</p><p class='top-spaced'>Maximum</p><p><strong>CHF <span class='large'>2.50</strong></span></p><p>per signature</p>"
  comparison-second="<p><strong>Flat rate</strong></p><p>For employees who sign <strong>more</strong> than 12 times a month.</p><br><p class='top-spaced'>Maximum</p><p><strong>CHF <span class='large'>25</strong></span></p><p>per user/month</p>"
  comparison-caption="The prices decrease significantly if you sign more or with a different standard."
  button-text="Get advice now"
    {{< picture business-visual 270 "" >}}
{{% /action-card %}}

{{< collapsible >}}

This collapsible component hides its content and reveals it after clicking on the title.

{{% collapsible 1 "Requirement of written form" %}}
A signature with Skribble is equal to the handwritten signature according to Swiss (OR Art. 14 Para. 2 bis) and EU law (eIDAS No. 910`/`2014 Art. 25 Para. 2).
{{% /collapsible %}}


  1. id
  2. title of the collapsible

{{< cta >}}

A little component with dividers at the top and bottom that is used to focus the attention on a single call to action.


  • label Adds a label to the button
  • href Defines the link href
  • target Sets the target attribute
  • outlined="true" Applies the outline style to the button
  • title Adds a title above the border
  • floating="true" Removes the borders around the cta
  • class A CSS class to be applied to the component

{{< cta-group >}}

In case you wish to have several cta components vertically stacked with no space between them, use them inside a cta-group

{{< cta-group >}}
  {{% cta 1 %}}
  {{% cta 2 %}}
  {{% cta 3 %}}
{{< /cta-group >}}

{{< features-container >}} and {{< features-item >}}

The features component allows you to present a responsive grid of images with a headline and description. It is composed of two shortcodes to be used nested, as in the following example:

{{< features-container >}}
  {{< features-item src="features/window-dev.svg" headline="Moderne Schnittstelle mit detaillierter Dokumentation" description="Die moderne JSON REST-API ist einfach und schnell integriert. Unsere API-Dokumentation liefert dir alle Details, die du Brauchst.">}}
  {{< features-item src="features/note-code.svg" headline="API-Testing mit Demo-Account" description="Mit unserem Demo-Account testest du die API unverbindlich und kostenlos.">}}
  {{< features-item src="features/hybrid-car.svg" headline="Plugin für DMS und Branchenlösungen" description="Integriere Skribble als Plugin in Dokumenten-Management-Systeme wie OneDrive und SharePoint, oder in Branchen-Lösungen wie Abacus un SAP.">}}
  {{< features-item src="features/webpage.svg" headline="Optimiertes Webinterface für die Nutzung via Browser" description="Skribbles optimierte Benutzeroberfläche liefert dir ein intuitives Benutzererlebnis für alle modernen Browser und Geräte.">}}
{{< /features-container >}}

{{< intro >}}

{{< intro-partner >}}

{{< logos-container >}} and {{< logos-item >}}

The logos component allows you to present responsive rows of logos or pictures. It is composed of two shortcodes to be used nested, as in the following example:

{{< logos-container title="Skribble in the press">}}
  {{< logos-item src="logos/app-advice-vector-svg-logo.svg" link="" alt="Company logo">}}
  {{< logos-item src="logos/forbes-vector-svg-logo-image.svg" link="" alt="Company logo">}}
  {{< logos-item src="logos/khoi-vihn-subtraction-vector-svg-logo.svg" link="" alt="Company logo">}}
  {{< logos-item src="logos/webdesigner-depot-vector-svg-logo.svg" alt="Company logo">}}
{{< /logos-container >}}


  • src: the path to the image to be used
  • link: (optional) a link to be opened in a new tab. If there is no link defined, the logo will not be clickable
  • alt: (optional) alternate text for the image, if the image cannot be displayed

{{< plan >}}

The plan consists of the upper part with 2 titles and the lower part with any number of paragraphs. Paragraphs are divided by a horizontal line.

{{% plan gold "Prepaid Model" "Pay per signature" %}}
Suitable for single or occasional signing with QES
{{% /plan %}}


  1. color: gold or purple
  2. first and smaller title
  3. the second and larger title
  4. button label (optional)
  5. button href (optional)
  6. button target attribute (optional)
  7. button style (optional): outline


  1. id
  2. title of the collapsible
  3. icon: check (optional)

{{< outro >}}

{{< testimonial >}}

To provide a little bit of structure, we add the testimonial images in a folder testimonial.

{{< testimonial "testimonial/foresight.png" "e-foresight Think Tank" >}}
"Skribble bietet eine kundenfreundliche Lösung zur Qualifizierten Elektronischen Signatur in der Schweiz an."
{{< /testimonial >}}


  1. image
  2. footer
  3. alt (optional)


To show component outlines and component labels, add the following styling to main.scss.

@mixin outline($name: default, $color: black, $orientation: 45deg) {
  outline: 1px solid $color !important;
  background: repeating-linear-gradient($orientation, rgba($color, .1),rgba($color, .1) 10px,rgba($color, .05) 10px,rgba($color, .05) 20px);
  position: relative;
  &:after {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 10;
    font: 10px/1 monospace;
    background: $color;
    color: white;
    padding: 2px;
    content: '#{$name}';
* {outline: 1px solid rgba(red, .1);}
.collapsible {@include outline(collapsible, darkgoldenrod, -45deg);}
.content {@include outline(content, lightslategray);}
.cta {@include outline(cta, seagreen);}
.intro {@include outline(intro, black);}
.outro {@include outline(outro, black);}
.picture {@include outline(picture, tomato, -45deg);}
.plan {@include outline(plan, darkslategrey, -45deg);}
.row {@include outline(row, grey, -45deg);}
.side-by-side {@include outline(side-by-side, black);}
.table-wrapper {@include outline(table-wrapper, darkorchid);}
.logos-container {@include outline(logos-container, indianred);}
.testimonial {@include outline(testimonial, deepskyblue);}
.markdown {@include outline(markdown, powderblue, 45deg, black);}
.features-container {@include outline(features-container, darkkhaki);}
.action-card {@include outline(action-card, limegreen);}


Corporate Website



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