A simple bridge to ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting APIs for vanilla JavaScript. Pull requests welcome.
You can download the latest prebuilt version of Mori from the downloads tab.
It's also available for Node.js via npm:
npm install mori
Pre-pre-pre alpha. ClojureScript is constantly being improved, especially in terms of performance. That said, it's probably still already useful.
Make a folder in the repo folder called checkouts, clone the ClojureScript repo into it.
Install Leiningen.
Grab dependencies:
lein deps
On a UNIX-like system build with:
On Windows:
This will produce a file mori.js. You can include this like any other JavaScript library.
Note: If you are using leiningen 2, use this for your project.clj
(defproject mori "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Persistent Data Structures for JavaScript"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
:profiles {:dev
:cljsbuild {:builds {:tmp {:source-path "src"
:compiler {:optimizations :advanced
:output-to "tmp.js"}}}})
You can use it from your projects like so:
var inc = function(n) {
return n+1;
mori.into_array(mori.map(inc, mori.vector(1,2,3,4,5)));
// => [2,3,4,5,6]
Efficient non-destructive updates!
var v1 = mori.vector(1,2,3);
var v2 = mori.conj(v1, 4);
v1.toString(); // => '[1 2 3]'
v2.toString(); // => '[1 2 3 4]'
var sum = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
mori.reduce(sum, mori.vector(1, 2, 3, 4)); // => 10
Lazy sequences!
var _ = mori;
_.into_array(_.interpose("foo", _.vector(1, 2, 3, 4)));
// => [1, "foo", 2, "foo", 3, "foo", 4]
Or if it's more your speed, use it from CoffeeScript!
inc = (x) -> x+1
r = mori.map inc, mori.vector(1,2,3,4,5)
mori.into_array r
Mori includes the new Clojure reducers framework. Zero allocation collection operations FTW:
var m = mori;
var a = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
// make it immutable
var v = m.into(m.vector(), a);
var mul3 = function(n) {
return n*3;
function time(f) {
var s = new Date();
console.log(((new Date())-s)+"ms");
// 513ms
time(function() {
m.reduce(m.sum, 0, m.rmap(m.inc, m.rfilter(m.is_even, m.rmap(mul3, v))));
// 254ms
time(function() {
// impressive given the level of abstraction
// expect us to get more competitive :D
function(v) { return mori.conj(v,4) },
function(v) { return mori.drop(2, v) });
// => [3 4]
mori.curry(mori.conj, 4),
mori.curry(mori.conj, 5));
// => [1 2 3 4 5]
mori.curry(mori.conj, 4),
mori.partial(mori.drop, 2));
// => (3 4)
var second = mori.comp(mori.first, mori.rest);
// => 2
var pos_and_neg = mori.juxt(mori.identity, function (v) { return -v; });
// => [1 -1]
mori.knit(mori.inc, mori.dec)(pos_and_neg(1));
// => [2 -2]
Copyright (C) 2012 David Nolen and contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.