Matthias is a chat bot (currently) built on top of the fantastic hubot framework. He should be online in our Slack team.
Choose between running matthias directly or via docker.
Warning: Several of matthias' capabilities require a few env vars to be set. Please refer to
for a list of them.
You can start matthias locally by running:
$ npm install
$ ./bin/hubot
Then you can interact with matthias by typing matthias help
matthias> matthias help
matthias animate me <query> - The same thing as `image me`, except adds [snip]
matthias help - Displays all of the help commands that matthias knows about.
Matthias' name can also be substituted with a !
at the beginning of commands. If you're messaging matthias directly, use just the command without a name prefix, e.g. help
$ docker pull ifsr/matthias
$ docker run --rm -it ifsr/matthias
This pulls matthias' latest image (automatically built by Docker Hub from this repo) and starts a new ephemeral container with the shell adapter.