Cylon.js ( is a JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) using Node.js.
This module provides an adaptor for the C.H.I.P. $9 single-board Linux computer ( It uses the Chip-IO node module ( created by @sandeepmistry, thank you!
Want to use Ruby on robots? Check out our sister project Artoo (
Want to use the Go programming language to power your robots? Check out our sister project Gobot (
Installing Cylon.js on C.H.I.P. is easy, but must be done on the C.H.I.P. itself.
$ npm install cylon cylon-chip cylon-gpio cylon-i2c
var Cylon = require("cylon");
// Initialize the robot
connections: {
chip: { adaptor: "chip" }
devices: {
led: { driver: "led", pin: "XIO-PO" },
button: { driver: "button", pin: "XIO-P1" }
work: function(my) {
my.button.on('push', function() { my.led.toggle() });
The GPIO interface for the C.H.I.P currently supports pins XIO-PO
thru XIO-P7
. You can also use the STATUS
pin for the built-in LED.
The I2C interface for the C.H.I.P currently supports I2C bus 1 using TWI1-SCK
and TWI1-SDA
You will likely want to connect your development machine to your C.H.I.P. while working on your code. You can do this easily, just by connecting to the C.H.I.P. over USB. Then, you can connect to the C.H.I.P. using Network-Over-USB, and upload driver or configuration changes.
By default, the C.H.I.P's login credentials are:
- user:
- pass:
Login to the C.H.I.P., and then run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl git build-essentials
Now you are ready to install Node.js itself. You can either obtain the latest release from the official Node.js downloads page or use something like Node Version Manager (nvm).
We're busy adding documentation to our web site at please check there as we continue to work on Cylon.js
Thank you!
For our contribution guidelines, please go to .
For the release history, please go to .
Copyright (c) 2016 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.