Teryt is Poland territorial division database available at http://eteryt.stat.gov.pl This bundle adds commands that download files from teryt API, parse xml files and insert data into database.
Add to your composer.json
file following line
"require": {
"fsi/teryt-database-bundle": "^3.0"
Register bundles in AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return [
// ...
new FSi\Bundle\TerytDatabaseBundle\FSiTerytDbBundle(),
new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(),
// ...
Add following configuration:
url: "https://uslugaterytws1.stat.gov.pl/wsdl/terytws1.wsdl"
username: "<your username>"
password: "<your password>"
From now commands should be available in your application.
$ cd project
$ php app/console teryt:download:territorial-division
$ php app/console teryt:download:places-dictionary
$ php app/console teryt:download:places
$ php app/console teryt:download:streets
All above commands have an additional argument --target
, that allows you to download files in a place other than
(default download target folder).
First you need to unzip the downloaded .zip files.
$ cd project/app/teryt
$ unzip territorial-division.zip
$ unzip places-dictionary.zip
$ unzip places.zip
$ unzip streets.zip
It is important to execute following commands in the given order:
$ cd project
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
$ php app/console teryt:import:territorial-division app/teryt/TERC.xml
$ php app/console teryt:import:places-dictionary app/teryt/WMRODZ.xml
$ php app/console teryt:import:places app/teryt/SIMC.xml
$ php app/console teryt:import:streets app/teryt/ULIC.xml