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tatarize edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

Several parts of the PES format remain unknown and are not properly described in this wiki. If you happen to understand these parts and are happy to contribute, please do!

Affine transformation, the two extends

Under what circumstances the affine transformation matrix in the CEmbOne section is applied? --- All of them. Keep it identity matrix and it won't shift things around.

Why are there two copies of the extends within the Geometry section. It is apparently critical enough that the same data be listed twice. Why? Are these absolute and relative extends depending on the affine transformation matrix? If so, which is which? Why do most shapes list a third copy of this same data somewhere internally? What does fiddling with these values do.

Tiles within Motif.

These are generally just not mapped out.

Sequence of shapes.

The rectangles and ovals can be placed each on top of each other but they still only create one CEmbRect and one CEmbCirc block, so if you have a rectangle on top of a circle on top of a rectangle, how does it know?

Block version ranges.

What versions do what blocks come in? Can I use an CEmbRect in version 3? I don't rightly know.