This project aims at providing a REST API management interface for
simpleSAMLphp. The goal is to make it possible to configure remote SP and
IdP entries. Without this module these entries need to be configured through
the metadata registry files. This project replaces this with a PDO
The REST interface can be used to create, update, delete and retrieve SP and IdP registrations using the JSON format. The format is nothing more than a JSON encode of the PHP arrays that are used with the existing metadata files.
The use would be to configure simpleSAMLphp like normal, but for the SP and IdP "remotes" use the PDO database.
This interface needs a patch to simpleSAMLphp for a PDO driver, which can currently be found here:
In the future also a HTML5 "webapp" will be made available to manage the entries. For now there is just a JSON based REST API.
To obtain an entry and store it in sp.json
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer abcdef" http://localhost/frkonext/php-ssp-api/api.php/saml20-sp-remote/entity?id=http://localhost/frkonext/sspsp/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp > sp.json
To update an entry from the file sp.json
curl -d @sp.json -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer abcdef" http://localhost/frkonext/php-ssp-api/api.php/saml20-sp-remote/entity?id=http://localhost/frkonext/sspsp/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp
This service uses simpleSAMLphp to validate the metadata that is sent to the service. This means we do not have to implement our own metadata checking.
You need to configure the path to simpleSAMLphp in the config/config.ini