- If the feature to make is easier to implement on golang than on Java, let us make it with you.
- continue to add features.
- Golang TCP Socket Client API
- Golang SNMPv3 walk Client API
- Golang Get File Hash Checksum (from HTTP Multi-part request stream file) API
- If the following chunk is included in the file entered through the http multipart request, a case to be deleted is found.
--------------------------67c90ab8464a32d3 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="sys-mon.7z" Content-Type: application/octet-stream ... --------------------------67c90ab8464a32d3--
$ go build
# For windows
$ GOOS=windows go build -o jina-api.exe
# For linux
$ GOOS=linux go build -o jina-api.bin
- Open Command Open as Administrator
- SERVICE_MODULE_NAME variable is ./config.yml > module-name .
- PATH variable is absolute binary (jina-api.exe)
- COMMAND variable is...
COMMAND = "%PATH%/jina-api.exe -port=59090 -currpath=%PATH% -color=false"
- if already installed service
C:> sc delete "%SERVICE_MODULE_NAME%"
- service install
C:> sc create ismonagent Displayname= "%SERVICE_MODULE_NAME%" binpath= "%COMMAND%" type= share start= auto
- service description install
C:> sc description ismonagent "jina api application server"