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Jarmo Isotalo edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 3 revisions


Groups always develop some sort of lingo. Here is a glossary of terms that we use in the Rails team (but some may be used in other teams):

  • "AR" - short for Active Record
  • "AS" - short for Active Support
  • "AM" - short for Active Model or Action Mailer
  • "AP" - short for Action Pack
  • "AD" - short for Action Dispatch
  • "AC" - short for Action Controller
  • "AV" - short for Action View
  • "PG" - short for PostgreSQL
  • "DB" - short for database
  • "IMHO" - In my humble opinion
  • "IIRC" - If I remember correctly
  • "AFAIK" - As far as I know
  • "AFACT" - As far as I can tell
  • "lol" - This is serious business

If there are any terms you don't understand, be sure to ask!




The online version of Programming Ruby is out of date, so I recommend getting the book if you can. It has a language and syntax guide, so it should be the best resource for people who already know how to program.


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