ffapi-updater helps to manage your Freifunk API file.
The following files should be available on filesystem of server (if necessary download them before execution, e.g. using wget):
- nodes.json (v2) of Meshviewer's ffmap-backend
- Freifunk-API json file
ffapi-updater modifies your API file, so best practice is to run it on that server that hosts your API file. If this is not possible, you need to upload your API file after each execution to its place. In our case API and map files are hosted on the same server, so both needed json files could be referenced directly.
To use it, simply clone this repository to a folder on your map server and change variables given in configuration part of ffapi-updater.py.
Updating your API file should happen on a regularly basis e.g. each 5 min, therefore create a cron job like this:
*/5 * * * * (cd /home/freifunk/ffapi-updater && /usr/bin/python3 /home/freifunk/ffapi-updater/ffapi-updater.py >/home/freifunk/ffapi-updater/ffapi-updater.log 2>&1)
- python3