ICS Calendar
The Program pulls/reads the schedule from https://nuerburgring.de/open-hours every 4 hours, so it's not guaranteed to always be fully up-to-date on shortterm changes. It's rather meant to offer a quick glance at the forecasted schedule. It does make sense to check the official site if you plan to go, just to be sure.
Add the ics to you calendar using:
- https://github.com/freezingDaniel/Nuerburgring/releases/download/latest/Tourist-Drives-Nordschleife.ics
- https://github.com/freezingDaniel/Nuerburgring/releases/download/latest/Tourist-Drives-Grand-Prix-Track.ics
By downloading and importing you'll have a snapshot of the time you downloaded, so instead add a subscription to the links in your calendar app