This repository is a copy from the original one, and used to implement a custom gCode output driver to generate a file for GCode interpreters such as Mach3, LinuxCNC or Marlin Firmware for lasers.
This driver was implemented without knowing that the branch smoothieboard was under development of a gcode driver, and since there are a few differences in the implementation this driver it is going to be supported.
- Generation of a output gCode text file, that can be used to send it to the laser. No support for HTTP or Serial transfer.
- Custom GCode codes for: turning on/off laser, ventilation, header and footer strings.
- Implemented functions for Mark, Cut, Raster and Raster3D.
- Configuration options for: bidirectional cutting, multiple passes, mirror of X and Y axis.
- Optimized gCode commands to reduce file size and redundant gCodes.
You can request any feature to suit your machine.