This is a Python utility to interface Speechcatcher EspNet2 models. You can transcribe media files and use the utility for live transcription. All models are trained end-to-end with punctuation - the ASR model is able to output full text directly, without the need for punctuation reconstruction. Speechcatcher runs fast on CPUs and does not need a GPU to transcribe your audio.
The current focus is on German ASR. But more models will follow - stay tuned!
Install portaudio, on Mac:
brew install portaudio ffmpeg
on Linux:
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python3.10-dev ffmpeg
For a system-wide and global installation, simply do:
pip3 install git+
If you prefer an installation in a virtual environment, create one first:
virtualenv -p python3.10 speechcatcher_env
Note, if you get "-bash: virtualenv: command not found", install virtualenv through pip:
#sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Activate it:
source speechcatcher_env/bin/activate
Then install speechcatcher:
pip3 install git+
After you have succesfully installed speechcatcher, you can decode any media file with:
speechcatcher media_file.mp4
or to transcribe data live from your microphone:
speechcatcher -l
All required model files are downloaded automatically and placed into a ".cache" directory.
To use speechcatcher in your Python script import the speechcatcher package and use the recognize function:
from speechcatcher import speechcatcher
short_tag = 'de_streaming_transformer_xl'
speech2text = speechcatcher.load_model(speechcatcher.tags[short_tag])
# speech is a numpy array of dtype='np.int16' (audio with 16kHz sampling rate)
complete_text, paragraphs, paragraphs_tokens, paragraph_hyps, segments_start_end_in_seconds = speechcatcher.recognize(speech2text, speech, rate, quiet=True, progress=False)
# or use the recognize_file function, where media_path can be in any fileformat that ffmpeg supports
# result object is: {"complete_text":complete_text, "segments_start_end_in_seconds":segments_start_end_in_seconds,
# "segments":paragraphs, "segment_tokens":paragraphs_tokens}
result = recognize_file(speech2text, media_path, output_file='', quiet=True, progress=False, num_processes=4)
Acoustic model | Training data (hours) | Tuda-raw test WER (without LM) | CER |
de_streaming_transformer_m | 13k | 11.57 | 3.38 |
de_streaming_transformer_l | 13k | 9.65 | 2.76 |
de_streaming_transformer_xl | 26k | 8.5 | 2.44 |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
whisper large | ? | coming | soon! |
Note: Tuda-de-raw results are based on raw lowercased tuda-de test utterances without the normalization step. It may not be directly comparable to regular tuda-de results.
Speechcatcher utility to decode speech with speechcatcher espnet models.
positional arguments:
inputfile Input media file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --live-transcription
Use microphone for live transcription
-t MAX_RECORD_TIME, --max-record-time MAX_RECORD_TIME
Maximum record time in seconds (live transcription).
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Choose a model: de_streaming_transformer_m, de_streaming_transformer_l or de_streaming_transformer_xl
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
Computation device. Either 'cpu' or 'cuda'. Note: Mac M1 / mps support isn't available yet.
--lang LANGUAGE Explicitly set language, default is empty = deduct language from model tag
-b BEAMSIZE, --beamsize BEAMSIZE
Beam size for the decoder
--quiet No partial transcription output when transcribing a media file
--no-progress Show no progress bar when transcribing a media file
Do not abort live recognition when encountering an input overflow.
--save-debug-wav Save recording to debug.wav, only applicable to live decoding
--num-threads NUM_THREADS
Set number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU in pytorch.
Set number of processes used for processing long audio files in parallel (the input file needs to be long enough). If set to -1, use multiprocessing.cpu_count() divided by two.
Speechcatcher models are trained by using Whisper large as a teacher model:
See speechcatcher-data for code and more info on replicating the training process.
If you use speechcatcher models in your research, for now just cite this repository:
author = {Milde, Benjamin},
title = {Speechcatcher},
year = {2023},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},
Speechcatcher is gracefully funded by
Media Tech Lab by Media Lab Bayern (@media-tech-lab)