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Franz Noel edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 9 revisions

Flutter Tools

Simple Commands

Simple commands to remember in flutter

  • open -a Simulator - open iOS simulator on a Mac.
  • flutter devices Display all devices currently running. Note of the device_id displayed.
  • flutter run -d <device_id> - run flutter on the identified device.
  • flutter run -t lib/main.dart - run flutter mainly on the specific file.

Fixing Android Issues

If you have issues with running the Android app, follow these steps:

  • flutter doctor --android-licenses - Make sure that you agree to the license (If you see a black screen when opening Android emulator)
  • Make sure that you have installed "Android Emulator" in Android Studios
  • Make sure that the Android emulator is open before you can see it in the devices.

With all those satisfied in Android, you can run the codes indicated above.

Other Flutter Docs

  1. Flutter Icons (Replace spaces with underscores)
  2. Flutter with Firebase
  3. Flutter Colors
  4. Flutter Widgets
  5. Flutter Assets (using pubspec.yaml)