My name is Tania Rascia, and I created this code for WordCamp Chicago 2017 as a simple introduction to WordPress theme creation. I struggled to learn WordPress when I began as a self-taught front end developer, as most WordPress tutorials and documentation I read were full of noise and fluff. I created the Developing a WordPress Theme from Scratch tutorial series as a straightforward approach to directly teaching the most important aspects of creating a website or blog with WordPress.
The simple fact is, you can design any website with HTML & CSS and integrate the WordPress system into it, and you don't have to know any PHP to start.
- Basic knowledge of HTML & CSS
- A server (MAMP for Mac or Windows, or a host)
- Learn how to turn any HTML & CSS design into a functioning WordPress theme
- Understand WordPress theme structure
- Download and unzip WordPress files
- Famous 5 minute installation
What and where.
A WordPress theme needs only two files to function.
- style.css
- index.php
A WordPress theme exists in /wp-content/themes/NAME.
Use template partials to divide the layout into sections.
- header.php
- content.php
- footer.php
Use index.php to bring everything together
- Use HTML to set the structure of the layout
- Use the Loop to dynamically display and repeat content from the database
- index.php pulls in blog excerpt loop
- content.php
- single.php pulls in individual posts
- content-single.php
- page.php pulls in individual pages
- content-page.php
Thanks a million for your well-written, easy-to-follow and practical guides. I have always hated working in Wordpress because it has always felt a bit like trying to find the right tools in somebody else's kitchen—but now I feel confident in opening up an existing theme and knowing how it works.
Thanks a lot for this introduction. I was getting very frustrated when working with predefined themes because they alway include things that you don’t need and I wasn’t able to figure out how to implement my own website structure and designs. Your tutorial was very helpful to get a starting point and I am confident, that I will be able to develop my own theme now.
Just a quick message to say how great your tutorial on setting up a Wordpress theme is. I normally work in standard HTML, CSS, and PHP and wasn't sure how it all worked with WordPress but you explained it in such a clear and relaxed way I'm off and running!
I just wanted to let you know your site and tutorials are seriously amazing. This is a truly awesome resource I recommend to as many of my fresh-faced WordPress friends as possible.
This is really useful!! A million thank yous to you! I have always wanted to learn to make my own theme for Wordpress but other tutorials are too complicated and annoying. But after this tutorial, I finally know how to make my own theme. Thanks a lot!
Tania, Thank you for putting up such an awesome tutorial, I’ve just started WP development and this tutorial has helped me a lot in the process. Danke!!
Your tutorials are really great. I was reading an ebook about theme creation in WordPress and after some chapters I got lost… then I found your tutorials. They are really good and easy to follow, I am looking forward to reading the next part. Keep it up! Thanks a lot.
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