-f Z:_\googleplay\comments.csv
-u ((android login))
-p ((android password))
-eto [email protected] [email protected]
-r 4
-e,--excel Use EXCEL format
-f,--filename File name to save comments to, will append
-fa,--all Fetch all available comments, One of fx is required
-fd,--date Fetch by date (takes a timestamp, One of fx is required)
-fn,--number Fetch specified number comments, One of fx is required
-fr,--range Fetch range example "1 20" will return the first 20 records, use -1 to go to the end. One of fx is required
-fu,--update Fetch latest, use this to update the file, One of fx is required
-h,--help Display usage
-i,--package Package name of the app, default is com.we7.player
-m,--recovery Time to wait before another request when a 429 has been issued
-p,--password Password of the google account
-s,--sort Sort on multiple columns (takes a comma delimited string of zero based numbers e.g. 2,1,3)
-t,--throttle Throttle time between requests, necessary
-u,--username Username of the google account
-eto,--emailTo <arg(s)> Email to. Multiple email addresses should be separated by a space
-r,--ratingBoundary Send email alert comprising of all star ratings at this number or below (default is 2)