This repository is intended to provide the initial configuration after installing the Ubuntu operating system and derived distributions, providing some scripts to download and install programs.
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from PixabayThe following steps provide instructions for performing program installations and setting up the HOME directory.
- peek
- veracrypt
- ohmyzsh
- docker
- nvm
- google-chrome
- flameshot
- virtualbox
- dropbox
- curl
- docker-compose
- git
- tmux
- default-jdk
- default-jre
- zsh
- diodon
- make
- gparted
- gdebi
- baobab
- snap
- gitkraken
- dbeaver-ce
- doctl
- insomnia
- scrcpy
- inkscape
- gimp
- vlc
- kdenlive
- obs-studio
- audacity
- telegram-desktop
- ktouch
- android-studio
- eclipse
- netbeans
- code
- pycharm-community
Clone this repository:
git clone
Enter the folder:
cd workspace-ubuntu/src/
Assign execute permission to scripts:
chmod -vR +x .
Run the script:
👨 Francisco Chaves - Initial work
- Github: @franciscojsc
- 🔗 Website:
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details