Quick, Torch! is a simple package that provides a "Quick, Draw!" dataset using the abstract class VisionDataset
, provided by torchvision
API. This package mirrors the MNIST dataset provided in torchvision.
You can install this package with
pip install quick-torch --upgrade
Here are a simple example of usage:
from quick_torch import QuickDraw
import torchvision.transforms as T
ds = QuickDraw(
transform=T.Resize((128, 128))
print(f"{len(ds) = }")
first_data = ds[0]
>>> Downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/quickdraw_dataset/full/numpy_bitmap/face.npy
>>> len(ds) = 161666
>>> (<PIL.Image.Image image mode=L size=128x128>, 108)
For more examples, please refer to the notebook example.ipynb
If you use this code in your work, please reference it as follows:
author = {Mu\~{n}oz, Francisco},
license = {MIT},
month = {10},
title = {{quick-torch}},
url = {https://github.com/framunoz/quick-torch},
version = {1.0.4},
year = {2023}
This work was mainly inspired by the following repositories: