h5 uses native javascript gui elements such as buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons. Around that there is a very simple event system that notifies you about any changes to the gadgets.
Try the main.monkey example to get a hang of how h5 works. The class that should receive the events (h5Event) must implement the h5GuiHandler interface and add the OnGuiEvent(event:h5Event) Method. In your Update Method call UpdateGuiEvents(Self).
The OnGuiEvent Method will handle all the events similar as with MaxGUI from BlitzMax. An h5Event has an id and a type (both Strings).
An id is the unique identifier for your gadget. Ensure that you do not use duplicates except for radios where you should use them for grouping.
- click (buttons)
- keydown (textfields)
- change (combobox)