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frahik committed Oct 21, 2018
1 parent 414f8f9 commit cc12cd6
Showing 1 changed file with 182 additions and 182 deletions.
364 changes: 182 additions & 182 deletions R/methods.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,183 +1,183 @@
#' @title Summary
#' @description Summary of IBCF object
#' @param object \code{IBCF object} IBCF object, result of use the IBCF() function
#' @param information \code{string} ...
#' @param digits \code{numeric} ...
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by select '%>%' mutate_if funs
#' @export
summary.IBCF <- function(object, information = 'compact', digits = 4, ...){
if (!inherits(object, "IBCF")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

object$predictions_Summary %>%
group_by(Environment, Trait, Partition) %>%
summarise(Pearson = cor(Predicted, Observed, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'),
MAAPE = mean(atan(abs(Observed-Predicted)/abs(Observed)))) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Partition, Pearson, MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> presum

presum %>% group_by(Environment, Trait) %>%
summarise(SE_MAAPE = sd(MAAPE, na.rm = T)/sqrt(n()), MAAPE = mean(MAAPE, na.rm = T),
SE_Pearson = sd(Pearson, na.rm = T)/sqrt(n()), Pearson = mean(Pearson, na.rm = T)) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Pearson, SE_Pearson, MAAPE, SE_MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> finalSum

out <- switch(information,
compact = finalSum,
complete = presum,
extended = {
finalSum$Partition <- 'All'
presum$Partition <- as.character(presum$Partition)
presum$SE_Pearson <- NA
presum$SE_MAAPE <- NA
rbind(presum, finalSum)

#' @title Summary
#' @description Summary of IBCFY object
#' @param object \code{IBCFY object} IBCFY object, result of use the IBCF.Years() function
#' @param digits \code{numeric} Number of digits of the output.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by select '%>%' mutate_if funs
#' @export
summary.IBCFY <- function(object, digits = 4, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "IBCFY")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCFY'")

object$predictions_Summary %>%
group_by(Environment, Trait) %>%
summarise(Pearson = cor(Predicted, Observed, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'),
MAAPE = mean(atan(abs(Observed-Predicted)/abs(Observed)))) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Pearson, MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> out


#' @title Plot IBCF graph
#' @description Plot from IBCF object
#' @param x \code{IBCF object} IBCF object, result of use the IBCF() function
#' @param select \code{character} By default ('Pearson'), plot the Pearson Correlations of the IBCF Object, else ('MAAPE'), plot the MAAPE of the IBCF Object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom graphics arrows axis plot
#' @export
plot.IBCF <- function(x, select = 'Pearson', ...){
### Check that object is compatible
if (!inherits(x, "IBCF")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

results <- summary(x)
results[, select] <- results[order(results[, select]), select]

if (select == "Pearson") {
results$SE <- results$SE_Pearson * 1.96
ylab <- "Pearson's Correlation"
} else if (select == "MAAPE") {
results$SE <- results$SE_MAAPE * 1.96
ylab <- select

x.labels <- paste0(results$Trait, '_', results$Env)
plot.x <- 1:length(x.labels)

plot(plot.x, results[, select], ylim = range(c(results[, select] - results$SE, results[, select] + results$SE)),
type = 'p', ylab = ylab, xlab = '', xaxt = "n", ...)
axis(1, at = plot.x, labels = x.labels, las = 2)
arrows(plot.x, results[, select] - results$SE, plot.x, results[, select] + results$SE, code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90)

#' @title barplot.IBCFY
#' @description Barplot of the results from IBCFY object
#' @param height \code{IBCFY object} IBCFY object, result of use the IBCF.Years() function
#' @param select \code{character} By default ('Pearson'), plot the Pearson Correlations of the IBCF Object, else ('MAAPE'), plot the MAAPE of the IBCF Object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom graphics barplot
#' @export
barplot.IBCFY <- function(height, select = 'Pearson', ...){
### Check that object is compatible
if (!inherits(height, "IBCFY")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

results <- summary(height)
vector <- as.numeric(paste(results[, select]))
names(vector) <- results[, 1]
vector <- vector[order(vector)]

if (select == 'Pearson')
select <- 'Pearson Correlation'
select <- 'MAAPE'

barplot(vector, ylab = select, ...)

#' Print IBCF information object
#' @param x object a
#' @param ... more objects
#' @return test
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
print.IBCF <- function(x, ...){
cat('Item Based Collaborative Filtering Model: \n',
'Fitted with ', x$NPartitions, ' random partitions\n',
'Runtime: ', x$executionTime ,' seconds \n\n',
'Some predicted values: \n')

print.default(format(head(x$predictions_Summary$Predicted, 20), digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\nPredictive capacity of the model: \n'), 'compact', digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\n Use str() function to found more datailed information.')

#' Print IBCFY information object
#' @param x object a
#' @param ... more objects
#' @return test
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
print.IBCFY <- function(x, ...){
cat('Item Based Collaborative Filtering Model: \n',
'Evaluated Environment/Year (s): ', x$Years.testing, '\n',
'Evaluated Trait (s): ', x$Traits.testing, '\n',
'Runtime: ', x$executionTime ,' seconds \n\n',
'Some predicted values: \n')

print.default(format(head(x$predictions_Summary$Predicted, 20), digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\nPredictive capacity of the model: \n'), 'compact', digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\n Use str() function to found more datailed information.')
#' @title Summary
#' @description Summary of IBCF object
#' @param object \code{IBCF object} IBCF object, result of use the IBCF() function
#' @param information \code{string} ...
#' @param digits \code{numeric} ...
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by select '%>%' mutate_if funs
#' @export
summary.IBCF <- function(object, information = 'compact', digits = 4, ...){
if (!inherits(object, "IBCF")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

object$predictions_Summary %>%
group_by(Environment, Trait, Partition) %>%
summarise(Pearson = cor(Predicted, Observed, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'),
MAAPE = mean(atan(abs(Observed-Predicted)/abs(Observed)))) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Partition, Pearson, MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> presum

presum %>% group_by(Environment, Trait) %>%
summarise(SE_MAAPE = sd(MAAPE, na.rm = T)/sqrt(n()), MAAPE = mean(MAAPE, na.rm = T),
SE_Pearson = sd(Pearson, na.rm = T)/sqrt(n()), Pearson = mean(Pearson, na.rm = T)) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Pearson, SE_Pearson, MAAPE, SE_MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> finalSum

out <- switch(information,
compact = finalSum,
complete = presum,
extended = {
finalSum$Partition <- 'All'
presum$Partition <- as.character(presum$Partition)
presum$SE_Pearson <- NA
presum$SE_MAAPE <- NA
rbind(presum, finalSum)

#' @title Summary
#' @description Summary of IBCFY object
#' @param object \code{IBCFY object} IBCFY object, result of use the IBCF.Years() function
#' @param digits \code{numeric} Number of digits of the output.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by select '%>%' mutate_if funs
#' @export
summary.IBCFY <- function(object, digits = 4, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "IBCFY")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCFY'")

object$predictions_Summary %>%
group_by(Environment, Trait) %>%
summarise(Pearson = cor(Predicted, Observed, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'),
MAAPE = mean(atan(abs(Observed-Predicted)/abs(Observed)))) %>%
select(Environment, Trait, Pearson, MAAPE) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(round(., digits))) %>% -> out


#' @title Plot IBCF graph
#' @description Plot from IBCF object
#' @param x \code{IBCF object} IBCF object, result of use the IBCF() function
#' @param select \code{character} By default ('Pearson'), plot the Pearson Correlations of the IBCF Object, else ('MAAPE'), plot the MAAPE of the IBCF Object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom graphics arrows axis plot
#' @export
plot.IBCF <- function(x, select = 'Pearson', ...){
### Check that object is compatible
if (!inherits(x, "IBCF")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

results <- summary(x)
results[, select] <- results[order(results[, select]), select]

if (select == "Pearson") {
results$SE <- results$SE_Pearson * 1.96
ylab <- "Pearson's Correlation"
} else if (select == "MAAPE") {
results$SE <- results$SE_MAAPE * 1.96
ylab <- select

x.labels <- paste0(results$Trait, '_', results$Env)
plot.x <- 1:length(x.labels)

plot(plot.x, results[, select], ylim = range(c(results[, select] - results$SE, results[, select] + results$SE)),
type = 'p', ylab = ylab, xlab = '', xaxt = "n", ...)
axis(1, at = plot.x, labels = x.labels, las = 2)
arrows(plot.x, results[, select] - results$SE, plot.x, results[, select] + results$SE, code = 3, length = 0.02, angle = 90)

#' @title barplot.IBCFY
#' @description Barplot of the results from IBCFY object
#' @param height \code{IBCFY object} IBCFY object, result of use the IBCF.Years() function
#' @param select \code{character} By default ('Pearson'), plot the Pearson Correlations of the IBCF Object, else ('MAAPE'), plot the MAAPE of the IBCF Object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @importFrom graphics barplot
#' @export
barplot.IBCFY <- function(height, select = 'Pearson', ...){
### Check that object is compatible
if (!inherits(height, "IBCFY")) stop("This function only works for objects of class 'IBCF'")

results <- summary(height)
vector <- as.numeric(paste(results[, select]))
names(vector) <- results[, 1]
vector <- vector[order(vector)]

if (select == 'Pearson')
select <- 'Pearson Correlation'
select <- 'MAAPE'

barplot(vector, ylab = select, ...)

#' Print IBCF information object
#' @param x IBCF object
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return printeable object
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
print.IBCF <- function(x, ...){
cat('Item Based Collaborative Filtering Model: \n',
'Fitted with ', x$NPartitions, ' random partitions\n',
'Runtime: ', x$executionTime ,' seconds \n\n',
'Some predicted values: \n')

print.default(format(head(x$predictions_Summary$Predicted, 20), digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\nPredictive capacity of the model: \n'), 'compact', digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\n Use str() function to found more datailed information.')

#' Print IBCFY information object
#' @param x IBCFY object
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return printeable object
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
print.IBCFY <- function(x, ...){
cat('Item Based Collaborative Filtering Model: \n',
'Evaluated Environment/Year (s): ', x$Years.testing, '\n',
'Evaluated Trait (s): ', x$Traits.testing, '\n',
'Runtime: ', x$executionTime ,' seconds \n\n',
'Some predicted values: \n')

print.default(format(head(x$predictions_Summary$Predicted, 20), digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\nPredictive capacity of the model: \n'), 'compact', digits = 3), = 2L, quote = FALSE)

cat('\n Use str() function to found more datailed information.')

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