This project generate Superhero story and power using GPT-2 model.
Fine tuning data: Kaggle
Superhero story model
Base model: gpt-2 large Epoch: 30 Train runtime: 6865.2586 secs Loss: 0.0278
Superhero power model
Base model: gpt-2 large Epoch: 30 Train runtime: 2142.469 secs Loss: 0.0185
* First, Fill what the text. This will be base of story and power.
* And then, Fill number in length. Text is created as long as "length". I recommend between 100 and 300.
* If length is so big, generate time will be long.
text: Base text for generate
length: The size of generated text.
{"0": generated text}
Hero's Story
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "text=superman is" -F "length=50"
Hero's Power
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "text=Superman is" -F "length=50"
Hero's Story
"0": "Superman is resurrected and finds his way back to Metropolis. Superman tracks down Superboy and takes him to the Fortress of Solitude. He tries to make him stop but is unable. Superboy-Prime goes on the attack, but Superman is able to keep"
Hero's Power
"0": "Superman is able to generate great amounts of physical force through kinetic energy, simulating superhuman strength, even in a stationary position. This \"free-running\" ability allows him to move at speeds much faster than a normal human. He can use this speed to attack"
API page: Ainize
Demo page: End-point