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Sources of Funding

hturner edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 1 revision

General sources of funding supporting diversity initiatives

  • ISC. Support projects that broadly help the R community, e.g. R-ladies alignment and global expansion. Calls for proposals approx twice a year (~ Jan & Jun).
  • NumFOCUS. Promotes sustainable high-level programming languages, open code development, and reproducible scientific research. Support general projects e.g. ROpenSci, Software Carpentry. Have supported bootcamps for women in science and engineering, workshops for high school women to learn about careers in open source and data science, and diversity scholarships to many scientific computing conferences. Apply any time.
  • Open Source Grants. Support projects without stable funding that help raise diversity in Open Source. This can mean that the maintainer / core-team have are set a great example for others to follow suit, that they, or the project itself, are dedicated to bringing more diversity to the Open Source community, or that they show dedication to diversity in any other way. Not currently accepting applications.

Funding for women

  • Pass-it-on Awards. Open to any woman over 18 years old in or aspiring to be in the fields of computing. Awards are open to women in all countries and range from $500.00 to $1000.00 USD. Support a wide variety of projects e.g. help with studies, job transfers or attending conferences; support for outreach or mentoring projects benefiting women and girls. CfP approx yearly, next deadline March 22, 2017.
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