- Calculation of the distance traveled for each path (Requires: geopy)
- Metadata in the placemark pop-ups
- Ability to view GPS points on Google Maps website by clicking on the provided URL in the placemark pop-ups
- Ability to view paths on Bing by clicking on the provided URL in the paths pop-ups
- Thumbnail creation (stored in a separate folder) for each geotagged file in order to speed up the opening of the "_thumbs" .KML file (Requires: Pillow) and avoid crashing Google Earth Pro
- File format conversion from .HEIC to .JPG (Requires: Win/Mac ImageMagick, Ubuntu libheif-examples). The script doesn't replace the original files.
- Counter for path lines created (paths containing at least two GPS points)
- Removed altitude from placemark names to make names shorter. The altitude is shown in the placemark pop-ups
- Path lines are assigned a brighter color (Requires: randomcolor)
- Pictures with 90-degree rotation (Orientation tag: Rotate 90 CW) are now displayed in the correct orientation in the placemark pop-ups