My name is Guilherme Fonseca, I am 29 years old I am currently living in Brazil.
B.Sc. in Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL - Campus Arapriaca) since 2021. Since 2020, I have been using with Flutter and Dart as my main stack and since then, collected more than 2 year of professional experience as a Mobile Developer. I worked in projects related to finances (banks and private companies) and outsourcing companies, working directly with clients to collect feedback. Nowadays I am maintaining my personal app Busca CEP and algo expanding my stack to native iOS development with SwiftUI and some back-end with Spring. Hope some time in the future I can share some projects here in my profile =)
- Mobile Flutter development using Dart.
- State management with BLoC, Cubit, ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier
- Dependency injection (Provider and Get it)
- Tests (Unity, widget, BLoC...)
- Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics e Messaging
- Architectures (BLoC, MVC, MVVM)
- Version control with Git.
- API integration
- Agile methodologies such as SCRUM and Agile
- Google Play deployment
- Use of desing tools for references such as Zeplin and Figma