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fomics edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the EuroHack15 wiki!

This page contains material for the EuroHack15 OpenACC hackathon, held July 6-10, 2015 in Lugano Switzerland. The goal of OpenACC hackathon is to provide application development teams a conducive environment to jump-start development of accelerator-capable versions of their applications by providing access to the best mentors from the OpenACC community from national labs, vendors and universities. To share code, please also see the HackPad.

Logging into CSCS machines

Copying files from/to CSCS machines

Performance Profiling

Compiling with Latest Compilers

Getting Started with OpenACC

More Advanced OpenACC Topics





OpenACC Wish List:

These OpenACC "wannahaves" were synthesized from the HackPad and other user input:

Extensions to standard

Application Teams

Suggested content for final presentation

  • Maximum 15 minutes total
  • 1-minute repeat summary of application
  • Explain the starting point (e.g., CPU-code compiled with PGI, CCE)
  • Steps you made porting the code to GPU (e.g., which components ported)
  • Speedup (or -down) if possible (1-2 slides...)
  • Candid feedback about your experiences, with the OpenACC paradigm, compilers, tools. Suggestions on how to improve the process (e.g., changes to paradigm "XXX would really help us", better documentation, etc.)
  • Any general comments about EuroHack....
  • We need a copy of your presentation in your team Wiki above.