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this is the repository for CODE associated with the FOGGIE python analysis package.

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This repository contains code for analyzing the FOGGIE simulations. It may be installed as a package using e.g. pip install --editable . for easier access to imports such as foggie.utils.consistency or you may directly use the scripts within.

Using with Conda

If you use a Conda distribution such as Anaconda or Miniforge to manage your Python environments, you are encouraged to use the accompanying foggie-env.yml file to create the foggie environment:

conda env create -f foggie-env.yml


The doc directory contains documentation on both the FOGGIE simulations and how to use scripts within this repository. The docs can be built as HTML using:

cd doc
make html

Analysis Modules

The foggie directory contains several subdirectories with scripts from various FOGGIE analysis projects. A description of their contents is included below.

Folder/Module Description
angular_momentum Characterizing galaxy angular momentum. Scripts used for Simons et al. 2020.
cgm_absorption CGM absorption spectra generation and analysis. Scripts used for Peeples et al. 2019.
cgm_emission Scripts for post-processing CGM emission using CLOUDY.
clumps Finding & analyzing clumps. Scripts used for Augustin et al. in prep.
deprecated Deprecated scripts.
edges Basic code for edge analysis of FOGGIE regions.
flux_tracking Scripts and Notebooks for estimating fluxes such as accretion.
fogghorn Diagnostic plot pipeline for planning new simulations.
galaxy_mocks Scripts for making mock observations.
gas_metallicity Scripts for gas phase metallicity analysis (and some stellar metallicity).
halo_infos Catalog files; see accompanying README.
halo_tracks Halo tracks used for running the FOGGIE simulations.
initial_conditions Old initial conditions for a 25 Mpc simulation box.
interns Previous student intern projects.
movies Scripts for making movies.
notebooks A folder of Jupyter Notebooks to contain git change tracking chaos.
paper_plots Scripts for making plots in the various FOGGIE publications.
plots Generate basic sanity-check plots.
pressure_support Thermal and non-thermal pressure estimations. Scripts used for Lochhaas et al. 2023.
radial_quantities Radial profiles of common quantities.
render Scripts using the datashader package.
scripts A random assortment of things.
turbulence Calculate velocity structure functions and velocity dispersions.
utils Utility scripts.

For FOGGIE Developers

As you add new directories and modules to foggie, it is requested that you add/update README files in the respective directory. Please also keep your module description in this README up to date.

The foggie repository contains a wide variety of artifacts, from scripts to data tables to command line tools. Developers are encouraged to follow the relevant guidelines for integrating their additions into the foggie package.

Making Importable (Sub)modules

If you install foggie as a package with pip install . (or, more preferably, pip install --editable .) you can import any individual file anywhere on your system as import.<submodule>.<filename>. For example, import foggie.utils.consistency accesses foggie/utils/

But what if you want to load multiple files from a single module folder at once, such as foggie/utils/ and foggie/utils/ You can define (sub)modules with files. These files contain import statements that will be run when the (sub)module is loaded.

For example, the file foggie/utils/ contains the following:

from foggie.utils.consistency import *
from foggie.utils.foggie_utils import *

This means that when you run import foggie.utils, all of the variables and functions contained in and will be accessible to you via the foggie.utils submodule; e.g., foggie.utils.axes_label_dict.

If you want functions or submodules to be loaded every time you load the main foggie module with import foggie, add their respective import statements to foggie/ For example, this file contains the following:

import foggie.utils
from foggie.utils.foggie_load import foggie_load

This makes it so that the foggie.utils submodule will always be available when import foggie is run. Additionally, the foggie_load() function in foggie/utils/ will be made available as foggie.foggie_load(). Not all submodules have to be loaded with the main foggie module but it does make them easier to access.


this is the repository for CODE associated with the FOGGIE python analysis package.






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