A tool to compute the significance of enrichment (depletion) between two genomic annotations using number of overlaps or number of shared bases as the test statistic
conda create -n mcdp2 python=3.10
conda activate mcdp2
conda install pybind11
python -m pip install .
mcdp2 --help
OR, using conda
conda install japdlsd::mcdp2
conda activate mcdp2
cd demo
bash run_comparison.sh
The program produces three files in the output directory:
- Results (z-score, p-value) and general statistics about the input data in the plain-text versiondata.yaml
- Structured dump of all results, including full PMF function for--exact
flag and subresults for the individual chromosomeslog
- log file for debug purposes
# test on a single-class context
mcdp2 single ref.bed query.bed chrom.sizes -o output_directory
# test with a masking
mcdp2 single ref.bed query.bed chrom.sizes -m masking.bed -o output_directory
# test with context
mcdp2 single ref.bed query.bed chrom.sizes -c context.bed -o output_directory
mcdp2 diff-disjoint ref1.bed ref2.bed query.bed chrom.sizes -o output_directory
mcdp2 diff-subset ref_subset.bed ref_superset.bed query.bed chrom.sizes -o output_directory
[--ignore-bed-blocks] [-t THREADS] [-s {overlaps,bases}]
[-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}]
[--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD] [--separate-models] [-d]
reference-filename query-filename chrlen-filename
Test if the reference has significantly many overlaps/shared bases with the query. Allows to use masking or context. The
references have to be disjoint.
positional arguments:
reference-filename BED file with the reference annotation
query-filename BED file with the query annotation
chrlen-filename TXT file with chromosome lengths
-h, --help show this help message and exit
BED file with context for query annotation. Fourth column
would be used as identifier. Intervals with different
identifiers must be non-overlapping. If not specified, the
individual chromosomes would be used. (default: -)
BED file with intervals to mask out. This is achieved by
removing the masking intervals from the input annotations and
creating a separate context for the masking intervals. Since
this feature will produce its own context, it cannot be used
together with the '-c' flag. (default: -)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory (default: 'mcdp2-results-20221015T164745')
--ignore-bed-blocks If set, the intervals are created using chromStart and
chromEnd, ingoring the blocks in BED files (including context
and masking intervals!) (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. (default: 4)
-s {overlaps,bases}, --statistics {overlaps,bases}
The test statistics to be used in the tests. 'overlaps' means
the number of intervals in reference annotation hit by an
interval in query. 'bases' means the number of shared bases
between the reference and query annotations. (default:
-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}, --algorithm {hybrid,exact,fast,both}
Algorithm to compute the p-value (only for '-s overlaps'
option). 'fast' computes a normal approximationof the total
PMF and is the faster option. 'exact' computes the PMF using a
quadratic DP algorithm and is slower, but it is better for
smaller datasets. 'hybrid' selects the algorithm based on the
total size of the reference. Once the total size is greater
than 'hybrid_threshold', it switches to the fast version.
'both' will run both algorithms. The option is ignored if the
number of shared bases is chosen as the test statistic.
(default: 'hybrid')
--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD
A threshold to switch from 'exact' to 'fast' algorithm for
'hybrid' option. (default: 50000)
--separate-models If set, the individual chromosomes have separate models.
Otherwise the underlying model is the same. Ignored is the
context is provided. (default: False)
-d, --logging-debug If enabled, the logging level is set to `logging.DEBUG`
(default: False)
mcdp2 diff-subset [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--ignore-bed-blocks] [-t THREADS]
[-s {overlaps,bases}] [-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}]
[--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD] [-d]
subset-filename superset-filename query-filename
Test if the subset reference has significantly more overlaps/shared bases than the superset reference.
positional arguments:
subset-filename BED file with the subset reference annotation
superset-filename BED file with the superset reference annotation
query-filename BED file with the query annotation
chrlen-filename TXT file with chromosome lengths
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory (default: 'mcdp2-results-20221015T164517')
--ignore-bed-blocks If set, the intervals are created using chromStart and
chromEnd (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. (default: 4)
-s {overlaps,bases}, --statistics {overlaps,bases}
The test statistics to be used in the tests. 'overlaps' means
the number of intervals in reference annotation hit by an
interval in query. 'bases' means the number of shared bases
between the reference and query annotations. (default:
-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}, --algorithm {hybrid,exact,fast,both}
Algorithm to compute the p-value (only for '-s overlaps'
option). 'fast' computes a normal approximationof the total
PMF and is the faster option. 'exact' computes the PMF using a
quadratic DP algorithm and is slower, but it is better for
smaller datasets. 'hybrid' selects the algorithm based on the
total size of the reference. Once the total size is greater
than 'hybrid_threshold', it switches to the fast version.
'both' will run both algorithms. The option is ignored if the
number of shared bases is chosen as the test statistic.
(default: 'hybrid')
--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD
A threshold to switch from 'exact' to 'fast' algorithm for
'hybrid' option. (default: 50000)
-d, --logging-debug If enabled, the logging level is set to `logging.DEBUG`
(default: False)
--separate-models If set, the individual chromosomes have separate models.
Otherwise the underlying model is the same. (default: False)
mcdp2 diff-disjoint [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--ignore-bed-blocks] [-t THREADS]
[-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}] [-s {overlaps,bases}]
[--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD] [-d]
ref1-filename ref2-filename query-filename chrlen-filename
Test if the first reference has significantly more overlaps/shared bases than the second one.
positional arguments:
ref1-filename BED file with the first reference annotation
ref2-filename BED file with the second reference annotation
query-filename BED file with the query annotation
chrlen-filename TXT file with chromosome lengths
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory (default: 'mcdp2-results-20221015T164539')
--ignore-bed-blocks If set, the intervals are created using chromStart and
chromEnd (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. (default: 4)
-a {hybrid,exact,fast,both}, --algorithm {hybrid,exact,fast,both}
Algorithm to compute the p-value (only for '-s overlaps'
option). 'fast' computes a normal approximationof the total
PMF and is the faster option. 'exact' computes the PMF using a
quadratic DP algorithm and is slower, but it is better for
smaller datasets. 'hybrid' selects the algorithm based on the
total size of the reference. Once the total size is greater
than 'hybrid_threshold', it switches to the fast version.
'both' will run both algorithms. The option is ignored if the
number of shared bases is chosen as the test statistic.
(default: 'hybrid')
-s {overlaps,bases}, --statistics {overlaps,bases}
The test statistics to be used in the tests. 'overlaps' means
the number of intervals in reference annotation hit by an
interval in query. 'bases' means the number of shared bases
between the reference and query annotations. (default:
--hybrid-threshold HYBRID_THRESHOLD
A threshold to switch from 'exact' to 'fast' algorithm for
'hybrid' option. (default: 50000)
-d, --logging-debug If enabled, the logging level is set to `logging.DEBUG`
(default: False)
--separate-models If set, the individual chromosomes have separate models.
Otherwise the underlying model is the same. (default: False)
Please cite this tool as follows:
Gafurov, A., Vinař, T., Medvedev, P., Brejová, B. (2024). Efficient Analysis of Annotation Colocalization Accounting for Genomic Contexts. In: Ma, J. (eds) Research in Computational Molecular Biology. RECOMB 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14758. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3989-4_3