Simple ncurses program to play sudoku in the terminal written entirely in C++
Move around the board and select cards using the keys set in config.h
To move a card or a stack of cards first select the card you with to move
then select the stack you want to move it onto.
Configuration is done in the config.h file. Documentation for the configuration is in the form of comments in that same file. All configuration must be done before installation. Changing any configuration will require reinstallation.
Clone this repository then compile using g++ or clang++
git clone
cd solitty/
g++ -Ofast -pthread ./src/*.cpp -lncurses -o solitty
git clone
cd solitty/
clang++ -Ofast -pthread -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ ./src/*.cpp -lncursesw -o solitty
-lncursesw flag is required to link curses.h
This package can be found as solitty-git on the AUR.
paru -S solitty-git
# If you wish to edit config.h
vim ~/.cache/paru/clone/solitty-git/Config.h
paru -S --rebuild solitty-git
To run this program from any directory move the generated solitty file to anywhere in you $PATH
ln -s solitty ~/.local/bin/solitty
If the compiler cannot find ncurses.h you need to make sure that ncurses is installed. If you cannot find ncurses in your package manager it might be called something else like libcurses or curses instead. If it still doesn't work use the -lncurses flag instead of -lncursesw when compiling.