Hello, World application for Vert.x and Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes
To compile and run locally, you need the Red Hat Maven repositories. A sample Maven settings.xml file is provided in the conf folder.
To build and deploy to openshift using a binary workflow, log in to openshift, create a project, and run:
$ mvn -Popenshift fabric8:deploy
To build and deploy to openshift using a source workflow, log in to openshift, create a project, and run:
$ oc new-app --name vertx-hello redhat-openjdk18-openshift:1.3~https://github.com/flozanorht/vertx-hello.git
(you need to expose the application after the build finishes)
The resource URL is '/api/hello/AnyName'. Prepend with either 'localhost:8080' or the OpenShift route host name.