Welcome to the ClojureScriptStorm repository. ClojureScriptStorm is a fork of the official ClojureScript compiler, with some extra code added to make it a dev compiler. This means a compiler with some extra capabilities tailored for development.
ClojureScriptStorm will add instrumentation (extra javascript) to trace everything that is happening as your programs execute. You use it by providing a bunch of callbacks that ClojureScriptStorm will call as code runs.
clj -J-Dcljs.storm.instrumentOnlyPrefixes=dev -J-Dcljs.storm.instrumentEnable=true -Sdeps '{:paths ["src"] :deps {com.github.flow-storm/clojurescript {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -M -m cljs.main --repl
The important bits here are :
- add the ClojureScriptStorm dependency
- tell ClojureScriptStorm what namespaces to instrument via
in this casedev
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-fn-call-fn
(fn [_ fn-ns fn-name fn-args-vec form-id]
(prn "fn-call " fn-ns fn-name fn-args-vec form-id)))
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-fn-return-fn
(fn [_ ret coord form-id]
(prn "fn-return" ret coord form-id)))
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-fn-unwind-fn
(fn [_ error coord form-id]
(prn "fn-unwind" error coord form-id)))
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-expr-fn
(fn [_ val coord form-id]
(prn "expr" val coord form-id)))
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-bind-fn
(fn [_ coord sym-name bind-val]
(prn "bind" coord sym-name bind-val)))
(set! cljs.storm.tracer/trace-form-init-fn
(fn [form-data]
(prn "form-data" form-data)))
Once that is set, you could try something like this :
user=> (ns dev)
dev=> (defn sum [a b] (+ a b))
"form-data" {:form-id -133716645, :ns "dev", :form (defn sum [a b] (+ a b)), :file nil, :line nil}
dev=> (sum 4 5)
"fn-call " "dev" "sum" #js {"0" 4, "1" 5} -133716645
"bind" "" "a" 4
"bind" "" "b" 5
"expr" 4 "3,1" -133716645
"expr" 5 "3,2" -133716645
"fn-return" 9 "3" -133716645
"expr" 9 "" -1067876745
"form-data" {:form-id -1067876745, :ns "dev", :form (sum 4 5), :file nil, :line nil}
"expr" "9" "" nil
The example above shows your callbacks receiving form ids and coordinates, let's see how you can use them.
The form-id on each fn-call, fn-return and expr corresponds with the data received by on trace-form-init-fn
This function will be called once, when the form is defined in the runtime.
Coords are strings with the coordinates inside the form tree.
In the case of our sum form, "2,1" means the third element (the [a b]
vector), and then the first one a
Coordinates also work with unordered literals like sets, and maps with more than 8 keys.
If you want utility funcitons to work with forms and coordinates take a look at get-form-at-coord for example.
You can add/remove instrumentation prefixes without restarting the repl by calling :
(cljs.storm.api/add-instr-prefix "my-app")
(cljs.storm.api/rm-instr-prefix "my-app")