is an elegant API to read and request permissions on iOS. At the moment, the following permissions are supported:
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests if you need other types of permissions.
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions…) -> Bool {
let permissions = Permissions()
permissions.notificationOptions = [.alert]
let viewController = OnboardingViewController(permissions: permissions)
class OnboardingViewController: UIViewController {
init(permissions: Permissions) { … }
func didTapContinueButton() {
if self.permissions[.notifications] == .unknown {
self.permissions.request(for: .notifications) { status in
… // callback is always on the main queue
} else {
provides a simple, unified and testable wrapper around permissions. Its enum-based API makes your code more readable and by abstracting permissions into a separate class more testable.
When testing your app, you can simply inject a mock-Permissions
object that doesn’t actually read/request iOS permissions, but instead behaves in a way that is suitable for your test.
class OnboardingTests: XCTestCase {
func testPermissionDenied() {
let permissions = MockPermissions()
permissions.onRequest = { $0.status = .denied }
let viewController = OnboardingViewController(permissions: permissions)
class MockPermissions: Permissions {
var status = PermissionStatus.unknown
var onRequest: ((MockPermissions) -> Void)?
override func status(`for` type: PermissionType) -> PermissionStatus {
return self.status
override func request(`for` type: PermissionType, completion: @escaping (PermissionStatus) -> Void) {
It’s just a single .swift
file. If you feel the need to use Carthage or Cocoapods, please submit a pull request.
@fabianehlert and I, @floschliep, created this while working on Cheese.
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.