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Download The Kord Command Api Jar
Create a Gradle project
Add the Kordlib Dependency (Maven Central)
dependencies { implementation("dev.kord:kord-core:0.10.0") }
place the Kord Command Api Jar in the project files /libs/
add the file dependency
dependencies { implementation(files("./libs/KordCommandApi-1.8.7.jar)) }
You can create slash commands like this
val exampleCommand = slashCommand("examplecommand", "this is an example command", kord) {
You can now add arguments and what passiert when command gets executed
val exampleCommand = slashCommand("examplecommand", "this is an example command", kord) {
argument<ArgumentType>("argument name", "argument description") {
required = true/false
basicArgument<BasicArgumentType>("argument name", "argument description") {
required = true/false
runs { interaction, options ->
val example = options.ArgumentType(e.g. strings)["argument name"]
interaction.respondPublic {
content = example
Argument Types can include String, Int, Number Basic Argument Types include Boolean, User, Membner, Mentionable, Channel, Role, SubCommand, Group, Attachment, you can not add choices to these, as they are given by discord
: Map<String, String>integers
: Map<String, Long>numbers
: Map<String, Double>booleans
: Map<String, Boolean>users
: Map<String, User>members
: Map<String, Member>channels
: Map<String, ResolvedChannel>roles
: Map<String, Role>mentionables
: Map<String, Entity>attachments
: Map<String, Attachment>
inline fun <reified T> custom(stringFormat: StringFormat = Json): HashMap<String, T>
operator fun <T : Comparable<T>> get(at: String): T?
operator fun get(at: String): Comparable<*>?
You can also add required choices for the user to arguments
argument<ArgumentType>("argument name", "argument description") {
required = true/false
choice("choice 1 (seen by user)", "choice1" (what gets passed to options, must be same type as argument))
if you do not want to be stuck with the normal argument types, you can also do custom ones, they need to be Serializable
data class ExampleCustomClass(
stringValue: String,
integerValue: Int
customArgument<ExampleCustomClass>("argument name", "argument description") {
required = true/false
choice("choice 1 (seen by user)", ExampleCustomClass("value 1", 1))
choice("choice 2 (seen by user)", ExampleCustomClass("value 2", 2))
you can then get the value the user chose at runtime
runs { interaction, options ->
val example = options.custom<ExampleCustomClass>()["argument name"]
This is a complete example
import dev.kord.core.Kord
import dev.kord.core.behavior.interaction.respondEphemeral
import dev.kord.core.behavior.interaction.respondPublic
import dev.kord.core.entity.User
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlin.random.Random
data class Fler(val type: Int, val fler: String)
class ExceptionThatMightHappen : Exception("fler")
val flerCommand = slashCommand("fler", "fler", Bot.kord) {
val json = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
prettyPrint = true
prettyPrintIndent = " ".repeat(187)
basicArgument<User>("user", "user who gets flered") {
required = true
customArgument("fler", "type of fler") {
choice("fler1", Fler(1, "das ist hier ist fler 1"), json)
choice("fler2", Fler(2, "das ist hier ist fler 2"), json)
choice("fler3", Fler(3, "das ist hier ist fler 3"), json)
required = true
runs { interaction, options ->
val user = options.users["user"]!!
val fler = options.custom<Fler>(json)["fler"]!!
if (Random.nextBoolean()) throw ExceptionThatMightHappen()
interaction.respondPublic {
content = "hm ${user.mention} wurde mit $fler geflert"
catches<ExceptionThatMightHappen> { exception, interaction, command ->
interaction.respondEphemeral { content = "hm jop exception passiert" }
object Bot {
val kord = runBlocking { Kord("TOKEN") }
suspend fun run() {
suspend fun main() {