The FBX Bundle Addon is a Blender 2.8 addon that simplifies the process of batch exporting FBX files. It's easy to use: specify a folder, select your objects, press 'Export'. FBX files for Unity will have correct rotations and scale values assigned as well as automatically existing materials assigned if their names match with Blender's materials per object.
This is an unofficial port to blender 2.8
You can find documentation and the previous releases on the official website
- Fix 2.8 annotation vs property warnings
- Keep hierarchy when exporting fbx
- Experimental port to blender 2.8.
- Please backup your work before using this tool!
- New modifiers: Rename, Offset transform, copy modifiers, merge meshes, collider meshe, LOD, vertex AO
- New platform system: Unity, Unreal, Collada, glTF
- glTF support (requires official glTF addon)
- New pivot mode: Empty plain axis object
- Include children: Auto select grouped objects e.g. in scene mode, group mode, parent mode
- Re-Export button: Re-Exports previous objects again
- New pivot mode: parent pivot
- improved Unreal & Unity export & smoothing groups
- fixed scale for Unreal export
- install / uninstall errors fixed
- New mesh fix tool: clean up smoothing, uv & topology issues on selected objects
- Rotate meshes x -90 to counter rotation issues in Unity
- New pivot mode: lowest object
- Warning if scene units are not metric
- New merge mode added
- New Unity Editor script to process fbx
- initial release
- export & import from a set folder
- draw fences tool