A optimized and secured Sheep-It Render agent to add rendering power to the open Blender render cloud.
You need your sheep-it account username and password to proceed:
docker run -d \
--name "sheepit-agent" \
To limit CPU you can use the native Docker resource limitations. For instance, to limit Sheepit to 50% of a 8-core CPU, use --cpus=4
To limit memory, you can use the environment variable SHEEPIT_MEMORY_LIMIT. E.g. -e SHEEPIT_MEMORY_LIMIT=4GB
To use GPU as a compute method set SHEEPIT_COMPUTE_METHOD. E.g. -e set SHEEPIT_COMPUTE_METHOD=GPU
This image is based on the openjdk slim template and adds the additional required libraries to run the agent and belender renderer.
will always point to the latest imagexxx.yyy.zzz
reflects the current sheep-it render agent version