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Support TH-generated conversion for binders
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fizruk committed Oct 26, 2024
1 parent c46f4c3 commit d61dd3d
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 13 deletions.
108 changes: 102 additions & 6 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Free/Foil/TH/MkFreeFoil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use ++" #-}
module Control.Monad.Free.Foil.TH.MkFreeFoil where

import Language.Haskell.TH
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +304,60 @@ termConToPat rawTypeName config@FreeFoilConfig{..} FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = go
ForallC _params _ctx con -> go con
RecGadtC conNames argTypes retType -> go (GadtC conNames (map removeName argTypes) retType)

termConToPatBinding :: Name -> Name -> FreeFoilConfig -> FreeFoilTermConfig -> Con -> Q [([Name], Pat, Pat, [Exp])]
termConToPatBinding intToRawIdent rawTypeName config@FreeFoilConfig{..} FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = go
rawRetType = error "impossible happened!"

fromArgType :: Type -> Q ([Name], [Pat], [Pat], [Exp])
fromArgType = \case
PeelConT typeName _params
| typeName == rawIdentName -> do
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [VarE intToRawIdent `AppE` (VarE 'Foil.nameId `AppE` (VarE 'Foil.nameOf `AppE` VarE x))])
| Just _ <- lookupBindingName typeName freeFoilTermConfigs -> do
let funName = toFreeFoilNameFrom config typeName
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [VarE funName `AppE` VarE intToRawIdent `AppE` VarE x])
| Just _ <- lookupScopeName typeName freeFoilTermConfigs -> do
binder <- newName "binder"
body <- newName "body"
return ([binder, body], [ConP 'Foil.ScopedAST [] [VarP binder, VarP body]], [TupP [VarP binder, VarP body]], [VarE binder, VarE body])
| Just _ <- lookupSubTermName typeName freeFoilTermConfigs -> do
let rawSigName = toSignatureName config typeName
funName = toFreeFoilNameFrom config rawSigName
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [AppE (VarE funName) (VarE x)])
| typeName == '[] -> do
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [ConE 'False])
AppT _ (PeelConT typeName _params)
| Just _ <- lookupSubTermName typeName freeFoilTermConfigs -> do
let rawSigName = toSignatureName config typeName
funName = toFreeFoilNameFrom config rawSigName
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [AppE (AppE (VarE 'fmap) (VarE funName)) (VarE x)])
_ -> do
x <- newName "x"
return ([x], [VarP x], [VarP x], [VarE x])

go :: Con -> Q [([Name], Pat, Pat, [Exp])]
go = \case
GadtC conNames rawArgTypes _rawRetType -> concat <$> do
forM conNames $ \conName -> do
let newConName = toFreeFoilName config conName
(concat -> vars, concat -> pats, concat -> pats', concat -> exps) <- unzip4 <$>
mapM (fromArgType . snd) rawArgTypes
return $
if rawTypeName == rawTermName
then [ (vars, ConP 'Foil.Node [] [ConP newConName [] pats], ConP newConName [] pats', exps) ]
else [ (vars, ConP newConName [] pats, ConP newConName [] pats', exps) ]
NormalC conName types -> go (GadtC [conName] types rawRetType)
RecC conName types -> go (NormalC conName (map removeName types))
InfixC l conName r -> go (GadtC [conName] [l, r] rawRetType)
ForallC _params _ctx con -> go con
RecGadtC conNames argTypes retType -> go (GadtC conNames (map removeName argTypes) retType)

mkPatternSynonym :: Name -> FreeFoilConfig -> FreeFoilTermConfig -> Type -> Con -> Q [Dec]
mkPatternSynonym rawTypeName config termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawRetType = go
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,6 +399,23 @@ toFreeFoilClauseFrom rawTypeName config termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawRet
ForallC _params _ctx con -> go con
RecGadtC conNames argTypes retType -> go (GadtC conNames (map removeName argTypes) retType)

toFreeFoilClauseFromBinding :: FreeFoilConfig -> FreeFoilTermConfig -> Type -> Con -> Q [Clause]
toFreeFoilClauseFromBinding config termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawRetType = go
go = \case
GadtC conNames rawArgTypes rawRetType' -> concat <$> do
forM (conNames \\ [rawVarConName]) $ \conName -> do
intToRawIdent <- newName "_intToRawIdent" -- NOTE: name starts with underscore to avoid warnings in the generated code when it is not used
[(_vars, _pat, pat, exps)] <- termConToPatBinding intToRawIdent rawBindingName config termConfig
(GadtC [conName] rawArgTypes rawRetType') -- FIXME: unsafe matching!
return [ Clause [VarP intToRawIdent, pat] (NormalB (foldl AppE (ConE conName) exps)) [] ]

NormalC conName types -> go (GadtC [conName] types rawRetType)
RecC conName types -> go (NormalC conName (map removeName types))
InfixC l conName r -> go (GadtC [conName] [l, r] rawRetType)
ForallC _params _ctx con -> go con
RecGadtC conNames argTypes retType -> go (GadtC conNames (map removeName argTypes) retType)

mkFreeFoil :: FreeFoilConfig -> Q [Dec]
mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
[ mapM mkQuantifiedType rawQuantifiedNames
Expand All @@ -359,12 +432,12 @@ mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence

mkConvertFrom termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
[ concat <$> mapM (mkConvertFromSig termConfig) (rawTermName : rawSubTermNames)
-- , mkConvertFromBinding termConfig
, mkConvertFromBinding termConfig
-- , mkConvertFromScopedTerm termConfig

mkConvertFromSig termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawName = do
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) <- reify rawName
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawName
let rawSigName = toSignatureName config rawName
funName = toFreeFoilNameFrom config rawSigName
rawRetType = PeelConT rawName (map (VarT . tvarName) tvars)
Expand All @@ -382,18 +455,32 @@ mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
, FunD funName clauses ]
Nothing -> error "impossible happened"

mkConvertFromBinding termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = do
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawBindingName
(itvars, _cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawIdentName
let funName = toFreeFoilNameFrom config rawBindingName
rawIdentType = PeelConT rawIdentName (map (VarT . tvarName) itvars)
rawRetType = PeelConT rawBindingName (map (VarT . tvarName) tvars)
bindingType = toFreeFoilType SortBinder config (VarT outerScope) (VarT innerScope) rawRetType
clauses <- concat <$> mapM (toFreeFoilClauseFromBinding config termConfig rawRetType) cons
addModFinalizer $ putDoc (DeclDoc funName)
("/Generated/ with '" ++ show 'mkFreeFoil ++ "'. Convert a scope-safe to a raw binding.")
[ SigD funName (ForallT (fmap (SpecifiedSpec <$) itvars) [] (ConT ''Int --> rawIdentType) --> (bindingType --> rawRetType))
, FunD funName clauses ]

mkPatternSynonyms termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = do
ds <- mkPatternSynonyms' termConfig rawTermName
ds' <- concat <$> mapM (mkPatternSynonyms' termConfig) rawSubTermNames
return (ds <> ds')

mkPatternSynonyms' FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawName = do
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) <- reify rawName
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawName
let rawRetType = PeelConT rawName (map (VarT . tvarName) tvars)
concat <$> mapM (mkPatternSynonym rawName config FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawRetType) cons

mkQuantifiedType rawName = do
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) <- reify rawName
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawName
let name = toFreeFoilName config rawName
rawRetType = PeelConT rawName (map (VarT . tvarName) tvars)
newParams = tvars ++ [PlainTV outerScope BndrReq]
Expand All @@ -404,7 +491,7 @@ mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
return (DataD [] name newParams Nothing newCons [])

mkBindingType FreeFoilTermConfig{..} = do
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) <- reify rawBindingName
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawBindingName
let bindingName = toFreeFoilName config rawBindingName
rawRetType = PeelConT rawBindingName (map (VarT . tvarName) tvars)
newParams = tvars ++ [PlainTV outerScope BndrReq, PlainTV innerScope BndrReq]
Expand All @@ -420,7 +507,7 @@ mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
return (sig ++ subsigs)

mkSignatureType termConfig@FreeFoilTermConfig{..} rawName = do
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) <- reify rawName
(tvars, cons) <- reifyDataOrNewtype rawName
let sigName = toSignatureName config rawName
tvars' = map (VarT . tvarName) tvars
rawRetType = PeelConT rawName tvars'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,3 +539,12 @@ mkFreeFoil config@FreeFoilConfig{..} = concat <$> sequence
[ AppT scopedTermAST (VarT n)
, AppT termAST (VarT n) ])) ]

(-->) :: Type -> Type -> Type
a --> b = AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b

reifyDataOrNewtype :: Name -> Q ([TyVarBndr BndrVis], [Con])
reifyDataOrNewtype name = reify name >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ctx _name tvars _kind cons _deriv) -> return (tvars, cons)
TyConI (NewtypeD _ctx _name tvars _kind con _deriv) -> return (tvars, [con])
_ -> error ("not a data or newtype: " ++ show name)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions haskell/soas/src/Language/SOAS/Impl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ instance IsString (Term' Raw.BNFC'Position Foil.VoidS) where
-- OpSig loc op args -> Raw.Op loc op (map fromOpArg'Sig args)
-- MetaVarSig loc m args -> Raw.MetaVar loc m args

fromBinders' :: (Int -> Raw.VarIdent) -> Binders' a n l -> Raw.Binders' a
fromBinders' mkIdent = \case
NoBinders loc -> Raw.NoBinders loc
SomeBinders loc binder binders ->
Raw.SomeBinders loc
(mkIdent (Foil.nameId (Foil.nameOf binder)))
(fromBinders' mkIdent binders)
-- fromBinders' :: (Int -> Raw.VarIdent) -> Binders' a n l -> Raw.Binders' a
-- fromBinders' mkIdent = \case
-- NoBinders loc -> Raw.NoBinders loc
-- SomeBinders loc binder binders ->
-- Raw.SomeBinders loc
-- (mkIdent (Foil.nameId (Foil.nameOf binder)))
-- (fromBinders' mkIdent binders)

fromTerm' :: Term' a n -> Raw.Term' a
fromTerm' = convertFromAST
Expand Down

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